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Texas has made dramatic improvements with regard to the average cost of workers' compensation over the past decade. The state has improved from the 12th most expensive to the 18th least expensive state between 2012 and 2022, according to a bi-annual study conducted by the Department of Consumer Business and Services. Insurance companies are coompeting aggressively in Texas as this line of coverage has been the most profitable line of coverage in the state.
Texas is a file and use state for private insurance companies. This means insurance companies don't need to have their rates approved by the state before they can offer insurance coverage. Therefore, rates will vary quite a bit between insurance companies in Texas. Employers shopping for lower workers' compensation rates are well served to get quotes from several carriers to ensure they find a company with good rates for their workers' comp class codes.
Texas Mutual serves as the State Fund for Texas. They are required by law to provide coverage if no private insurance carriers will offer coverage due to claims or the risks associated with the business classification codes.
Don't pay too much for your workers' comp coverage. Our agents will find your best deal. Our technology tracks carrier rates by state and compares their pricing in real-time. Find out how knowledgeable agents, better advice and more options lead to lower rates and a better price.
Ask about our Pay As You Go plans designed to improve cashflow and bullet-proof your audits.
What influences my workers comp insurance cost?
Insurance companies file their "base manual rates" for approval with each state for all class codes. Rate recommendations are generally made to the state and carriers annually by the National Council on Compensation Insurance.
Employee claims are reported to NCCI and statistically compared with all other similar type businesses using the same class code in each state. An Experience Modification Rate may apply to your business after a few years of coverage.
Insurance company underwriters are permitted to make premium rate adjustments based on unique factors about your business, safety practices, and management experience in most states.
Insurance companies may apply policy credits and debits to the base manual rates. Additional discounts can be applied to premium as the total payroll & premium increases.
Smart Agents with expertise in workers' compensation insurance utilize this information to negotiate your insurance rates with underwriters. A good narrative about your business helps insurance companies justify a better price.
Rates for State Class Codes. Select Codes Listed:
Texas is not and NCCI state and maintains its own independent rating bureau managed by the Texas Department of Insurance. The workers' compensation rates listed below represent the lowest and highest rates we've found for 2024. Not all employers will qualify for the lowest rates available or maximum policy credits. We shop rates with more carriers so business owners get the lowest price for coverage.
Texas workers' comp rates vary by class codes and insurance company underwriting guidelines. Employers' who have an Experience Modifier Rating (E-Mod) assigned to their policy may have additional credits or debits applied to their work comp rates based on their premium size and prior workers' compensation claims. We offer Pay As You Go workers' comp coverage in Texas.
State Resources for Texas
Texas Department Of Insurance
333 GuadalupeAustin, TX 78701800-578-4677 TX Dept. of Insurance
Texas Division of Workers Compensation
7551 Metro Center Drive Ste 100Austin, TX 78744-1645800-252-3439 TX Div of Workers Compensation
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
6210 East Highway 290 Austin, Texas 78723-1098 800-859-5995 Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Texas is not under the Jurisdiction of the National Council for Compensation Insurance (NCCI). Texas maintains its own independent rating bureau managed by the TX Department of Insurance.
Our agency helps employers find guaranteed state fund workers' comp in TX written with Texas Mutual. If we can't find more affordable coverage with a private insurance provider we can help you buy a state fund policy.
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