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NCCI Class Code Table: Numerical Order

*Note: Most NCCI classification codes cover multiple job descriptions. Please scroll down through list.
0005 Bedding plant growers  (applies only to plants not contemplated by 0035)
0005 Christmas tree planting, cultivating and harvesting-
0005 Farm product-Christmas trees-
0005 Farm product-holly-
0005 Farm product-nursery, trees & shrubs-
0005 Farm product-trees-
0005 Farm-nursery employees  (includes incidental landscape gardening)
0005 Shrub cultivation-
0005 Sod dealer-no farming-
0005 Tree planting for reforestation-
0008 Farm product-asparagus-
0008 Farm product-beans, green-
0008 Farm product-beets, table-
0008 Farm product-broccoli-
0008 Farm product-brussels sprouts-
0008 Farm product-cabbage-
0008 Farm product-carrots-
0008 Farm product-cauliflower-
0008 Farm product-celery-
0008 Farm product-cucumbers-
0008 Farm product-horseradish-
0008 Farm product-kale-
0008 Farm product-lettuce-
0008 Farm product-onions, green-
0008 Farm product-parsnips-
0008 Farm product-peppers-
0008 Farm product-radishes-
0008 Farm product-rhubarb-
0008 Farm product-rutabagas-
0008 Farm product-spinach-
0008 Farm product-taro-
0008 Farm product-tomatoes-
0008 Farm product-turnips-
0008 Farm-gardening-market or truck-
0008 Farm-vegetable-
0008 Vegetable growing
0016 Farm product-apples-
0016 Farm product-apricots-
0016 Farm product-bananas-
0016 Farm product-black walnuts-
0016 Farm product-cherries-
0016 Farm product-coffee-
0016 Farm product-English walnuts-
0016 Farm product-figs-
0016 Farm product-filberts-
0016 Farm product-macadamia nuts-
0016 Farm product-nectarines-
0016 Farm product-nuts (black walnut, English walnut, filbert, etc.-tree growing)-
0016 Farm product-orchards-
0016 Farm product-papaya-
0016 Farm product-peaches-
0016 Farm product-pears-
0016 Farm product-plums-
0016 Farm product-prunes-
0016 Farm product-walnuts-
0016 Farm-orchard
0016 Fruit farm-
0016 Nut farm-
0016 Turpentine farm
0034 Apiaries-
0034 Aviaries-
0034 Bee raising-
0034 Chicken catchers-
0034 Cricket raising-
0034 Egg or poultry producer-
0034 Farm product-chickens-
0034 Farm product-eggs-
0034 Farm product-ostriches-
0034 Farm product-poultry-
0034 Farm product-turkeys-
0034 Farm-egg or poultry producer
0034 Farm-poultry or egg producers
0034 Hatchery-bird-
0034 Honey processing
0034 Insect raising-
0034 Ostrich farms-
0034 Worm raising-
0035 Algae farming-
0035 Bedding plant growers
0035 Blanket or wreath -evergreen-
0035 Farm product-bulbs, flowers-
0035 Farm product-flowers, field growing-
0035 Farm-florist
0035 Florist-farm-
0035 Hydroponic growing of vegetables-
0035 Mushroom raising-
0035 Wreath or blanket -evergreen-
0036 Dairy farm operation-
0036 Farm product-dairy-
0036 Farm-dairy
0037 Corn detasselling-
0037 Cotton picking-
0037 Farm product-alfalfa-
0037 Farm product-barley-
0037 Farm product-beans, dry-
0037 Farm product-beets, sugar-
0037 Farm product-cantaloupes-
0037 Farm product-clover-
0037 Farm product-corn-
0037 Farm product-dill-
0037 Farm product-garlic-
0037 Farm product-grain-
0037 Farm product-grass seed-
0037 Farm product-hay-
0037 Farm product-melons-
0037 Farm product-millet-
0037 Farm product-mint-
0037 Farm product-mustard-
0037 Farm product-oats-
0037 Farm product-onions, dry-
0037 Farm product-peanuts-
0037 Farm product-peas, dry-
0037 Farm product-peas, green-
0037 Farm product-peppermint-
0037 Farm product-pineapples-
0037 Farm product-potatoes-
0037 Farm product-pumpkins-
0037 Farm product-rice-
0037 Farm product-rye-
0037 Farm product-squash-
0037 Farm product-sugar beets-
0037 Farm product-sugar cane-
0037 Farm product-timothy-
0037 Farm product-tobacco-
0037 Farm product-watermelons-
0037 Farm product-wheat-
0037 Farm-field crops
0037 Farm-NOC
0037 Grazing land maintenance-
0037 Moss gathering-
0037 Peppermint distillation by farmers-
0037 Sod farming-
0037 Spice growing-
0037 Tobacco farms-
0042 Artificial turf-installation only-
0042 Landscape gardening
0042 Road or street sodding or beautification work-
0042 Street or road construction-beautification work-
0042 Street or road sodding or beautification work-
0050 Anhydrous ammonia-application to soil by contractors
0050 Corn shelling-portable-
0050 Electric, telephone or alarm line-brush or weed control by spraying-existing right-of-way-
0050 Farm machinery operation-by contractor-
0050 Feed -portable-
0050 Fertilizer application-specialist contractor-
0050 Hay baling
0050 Insect control-crops, spraying from ground by specialist contractor-
0050 Weed control-spraying from ground by specialist contractor-
0079 Cranberry growers
0079 Farm product-berries-
0079 Farm product-cranberries-
0079 Farm product-currants-
0079 Farm product-grapes-
0079 Farm product-hops-
0079 Farm product-kiwi-
0079 Farm product-strawberries-
0079 Farm product-vineyards-
0079 Farm-berry or vineyard-
0079 Farm-vineyard or berry-
0083 Artificial insemination of cattle-. All other than professional employees
0083 Dude ranches-cattle ranches
0083 Farm product-cattle-
0083 Farm product-goats-
0083 Farm product-hogs-
0083 Farm product-horses-
0083 Farm product-sheep-
0083 Farm-cattle or livestock raising NOC
0083 Farm-goat or sheep raising
0083 Farm-livestock or cattle raising NOC
0083 Farm-sheep or goat raising
0106 Christmas tree harvesting exclusively-
0106 Electric, telephone or alarm line-tree pruning, spraying or removal-existing right-of-way-
0106 Tree pruning, spraying, repairing
0113 Farm product-fish hatcheries-
0113 Farm-fish hatchery
0113 Fish hatcheries-
0170 Alligator farms-
0170 Chinchilla raising-
0170 Farm product-animals-fur bearing-
0170 Farm-animal raising (fur bearing)
0170 Fox raising-
0170 Fur bearing animals-, raising of
0170 Laboratory animals-breeding or care-
0170 Mink raising-
0251 Ditch cleaning-irrigation-
0251 Irrigation or drainage system or canal maintenance-
0251 Irrigation works operation
0400 Cotton compressing
0401 Cotton gin operation & local managers, drivers
0401 Decortication-fibrous plants-
0908 Domestic workers-inside-occasional
0909 Domestic workers-outside-occasional-including occasional private chauffeurs
0912 Domestic workers-outside-including private chauffeurs
0913 Domestic workers-inside
0917 Domestic service contractor-inside
1005 Coal mining-surface-
1016 Coal mining-NOC
1164 Cave expansion-
1164 Caves-excavation of new areas for exhibition purposes-
1164 Clay mining-underground-
1164 Mineral mining-underground-
1164 Mining NOC-not coal-underground-
1164 Ore mining-underground-
1164 Stone mining-underground-
1165 Asbestos-surface mining-
1165 Asphalt-surface mining-
1165 Chalk-surface mining-
1165 Graphite-surface mining-
1165 Gypsum-surface mining-
1165 Mica-surface mining-
1165 Mining NOC-not coal-surface
1165 Ore mining-surface-
1165 Phosphate rock-surface mining-
1165 Talc-surface mining-
1320 Gas or oil lease operator-natural gas-all operations
1320 Oil or gas lease operator-all operations
1322 Oil or gas well cleaning or swabbing of old wells having previously produced gas or oil-by contractor-no drilling-
1430 Lead 
1430 Smelting, sintering or refining-lead-
1438 Blast furnace operation
1438 Calcium carbide 
1438 Magnesium metal -all operations and drivers
1438 Metal extraction from ores-non-ferrous-
1438 Porcelain frit -
1438 Smelting, sintering or refining-metals-not iron or lead-NOC
1438 Smelting-electric process-
1438 Steel grit -
1452 Graphite -not artificial-
1452 Ore milling
1463 Asphalt works -operated by paving contractors at permanent location
1463 Coal billet or briquette 
1472 Alcohol -wood
1472 Camphine 
1472 Charcoal 
1472 Coke 
1472 Creosote 
1472 Distillation-wood-
1472 Pinene -
1624 Aplite rock quarry-
1624 Ballast rock quarry-
1624 Cement rock quarry-
1624 Coral rock quarry-
1624 Feldspar mining
1624 Feldspar quarry-
1624 Granite quarry-
1624 Limestone quarry-
1624 Quarry NOC
1624 Rock asphalt quarry-
1624 Roofing slate  or slate splitting
1624 Silica rock quarry-
1624 Slag digging and crushing-
1624 Slate quarry-
1624 Slate splitting or roofing slate 
1642 Lime
1654 Quarry-cement rock-surface-
1655 Lime -quarry-surface-
1655 Quarry-limestone-surface-
1699 Fiberglass  for insulation purposes
1699 Insulating-mineral process
1699 Mineral wool
1699 Perlite
1699 Rock wool
1699 Shale aggregateproduction
1699 Vermiculite
1701 Cement
1701 Magnesite
1701 Plaster mill
1710 Gravel -
1710 Stone crushing
1741 Flint or spar grinding
1741 Mica grinding-
1741 Roofing granules -
1741 Silica grinding-
1741 Slate grinding-
1741 Spar or flint grinding
1747 Bauxite grinding-
1747 Clay milling-
1747 Emery works
1747 Kaolin grinding-
1747 Limestone milling-powdered-
1747 Marl grinding-
1747 Ochre grinding-
1747 Talc mill
1748 Abrasive wheel 
1803 Alabaster turning or carving-
1803 Granite cutting or polishing-
1803 Grindstone -no quarrying-
1803 Limestone cutting or polishing-
1803 Lithographing stone -no quarrying-
1803 Marble cutting or polishing-
1803 Millstone -
1803 Monument dealer-wholesale or retail-
1803 Sand blasting of castings-
1803 Slate milling-
1803 Soapstone or soapstone products -
1803 Stone cutting or polishing NOC
1852 Asbestos cement or shingle
1852 Asbestos goods
1852 Asbestos pipecovering -from sheet asbestos-no asbestos weaving
1853 Mica goods  &mica preparing
1853 Mica splitting
1860 Abrasive paper orcloth preparation
1860 Emery cloth
1860 Sandpaper
1924 Cable  or wiredrawing-not iron or steel
1924 Wire drawing or cable-not iron or steel
1925 Die casting
2001 Cookie -noon-premises consumption
2001 Cracker
2001 Ice cream cone
2001 Matzoth
2002 Macaroni
2002 Noodle
2002 Pasta
2002 Spaghetti
2003 Bakery ,route supervisors
2003 Donut -no consumption on premises-
2003 Frozen bakery products -
2003 Pastry -
2003 Pizza crust -baked
2014 Alfalfa dehydratingor milling
2014 Barley milling
2014 Corn milling
2014 Feed additives for livestock
2014 Feed
2014 Grain milling
2014 Grist mills
2014 Milling grain
2014 Oat milling
2014 Potato flour
2014 Rice milling
2014 Rye milling
2014 Wheat milling
2014 Wood flour
2016 Breakfast food
2016 Cereal
2016 Corn flakes
2016 Cream of wheat
2016 Farina
2016 Oatmeal
2016 Puffed wheat
2021 Beet sugar
2021 Honey processing-nobee raising
2021 Molasses or syrup refining, blending or
2021 Sugar -beet
2021 Syrup or molassesrefining
2021 Syrup or molasses refining-blending or
2039 Gelato 
2039 Ice cream cabinetinstallation & service, drivers-by ice cream manufacturers
2039 Ice cream 
2039 Ices 
2039 Sherbert -
2041 Candy
2041 Chewing gum
2041 Chocolate or cocoa
2041 Cocoa or chocolate
2041 Confection
2065 Condensed milk
2065 Dehydrating milk
2065 Evaporated milk
2065 Malted milk-including dehydration of milk
2065 Milk products NOC
2065 Powdered milk
2070 Butter or cheese & route supervisors, drivers
2070 Buttermilk -
2070 Cheese or butter & route supervisors, drivers
2070 Creamery or dairy &route supervisors, drivers
2070 Milk bottle exchange-all employees
2070 Milk depot or milkdealer & route supervisors, drivers
2081 Butchering
2081 Slaughtering
2081 Stockyard &butchering
2089 Packing house-alloperations
2095 Dehydrating meats
2095 Fish curing
2095 Fish evaporating,pickling, salting, smoking
2095 Meat products NOC
2095 Sausage casing-wholesale-including cleaning
2095 Sausage or sausage casing
2105 Fruit packing
2110 Pickle
2110 Pickled pepper
2110 Pickled tomato
2110 Sauerkraut
2111 Aerosol productspackaging
2111 Cannery NOC
2111 Cannery: maintenance& security employees
2111 Canning-motor oil
2111 canning-turpentine
2111 Cat food -canningoperation
2111 Dog food -canningoperation
2111 Frozen vegetableproducts -preparation similar to canning
2111 Pea de-veining atcannery
2112 Dehydrating soup
2112 Dehydratingvegetables
2112 Frozen fruitprocessing or packing
2112 Fruit evaporating orpreserving
2112 Jam
2112 Jelly
2112 Preserves (fruit)
2112 Syrup -fruit-forsoda fountains
2114 Clam digging
2114 Oyster processing
2121 Brewery
2121 Malt house
2130 Alcohol-grain-all operations
2130 Alcohol-potato-all operations
2130 Brandy distillery
2130 Distillery-spirituousliquor
2130 Gin distillery
2130 Rum distillery
2130 Spirituous liquordistillery
2130 Vodka distillery
2130 Whiskey distillery
2131 Bottling-spirituousliquor-not beer or wine
2131 Liquor bottling-notbeer or wine, including warehousing rectifying or blending
2131 Spirituous liquorbottling
2131 Whiskey bottling-notbeer or wine, including warehousing rectifying or blending
2143 Cider
2143 Fruit juice
2143 Vinegar
2143 Winery
2150 Ice
2150 Ice -block
2150 Ice -crushedbagged
2156 Bottling of wine-not carbonated-
2156 Bottling-notcarbonated liquids or spirituous liquors-& route supervisors,drivers
2156 Cider bottling-
2156 Soft drinks-canning-not carbonated-
2156 Vinegar bottling-
2156 Wine bottling-
2157 Ale bottling-
2157 Beer bottling-
2157 Beverage-carbonated-NOC & route supervisors, drivers
2157 Bottling NOC & routesupervisors, drivers
2157 Bottling of wine-carbonated-
2157 Carbonated beverage  NOC & route supervisors, drivers
2157 Cream-aerated under pressure-
2157 Soft drinks-canning-carbonated-
2172 Cigar
2172 Cigarette filter
2172 Cigarette
2172 Snuff
2174 Tobacco rehandling orwarehousing
2211 Carbonizing textilematerials
2211 Cotton batting, wadding or waste
2211 Shoddy
2211 Sisal garnetting
2211 Textile or fiberwaste reprocessing
2211 Wool combing orscouring
2211 Wool separating
2220 Animal hairtwisting-for upholstering use
2220 Carpet lining from woven fibers
2220 Carpet or rug-jute or hemp
2220 Chenille clothmanufacturing
2220 Cord or twine-cotton
2220 Cordage, rope ortwine  NOC
2220 Cotton spinning andweaving
2220 Flax spinning andweaving
2220 Hemp or jute spinningand weaving
2220 Jute or hemp spinningand weaving
2220 Linen cloth
2220 Linen thread
2220 Mop head -fromcotton waste
2220 Rope, cordage ortwine  NOC
2220 Rug or carpet-jute or hemp
2220 Thread or yarn-cotton
2220 Twine or cord-cotton
2220 Twine, cordage orrope  NOC
2220 Yarn or thread-cotton
2286 Wool spinning andweaving
2286 Yarn -wool
2288 Air conditioningfilter media -nonwoven
2288 Automobile floor mat  from felt or felt-like material
2288 Automobile interiortrim  from felt or felt-like material
2288 Felting
2288 Mattress pad from felt or felt-like material
2300 Plush or velvet
2300 Velvet or plush
2302 Glass yarn weaving
2302 Plastic yarn weaving
2302 Ribbon -textilefabrics
2302 Silk thread or yarn
2302 Silk throwing andweaving
2302 Synthetic yarn
2302 Thread or yarn-silk
2302 Weaving mills usingmixed yarns
2302 Yarn or thread-silk
2305 Acetate textile fiber
2305 Nylon textile fiber
2305 Plastic thread
2305 Polyester textile fiber
2305 Rayon
2305 Textile fiber-synthetic
2352 Cordage, rope ortwine  NOC (MO, NJ, OK)
2361 Hosiery dyeing andfinishing
2361 Hosiery
2362 Glove or mitten-knit
2362 Knit goods  NOC
2362 Mitten or glove-knit
2362 Necktie -knitted
2380 Braid or fringe
2380 Fringe or braid
2380 Label -wovenlabels
2380 Net
2380 Pipe cleaner
2380 Webbing
2386 Lace
2388 Embroidery
2388 Nailheadornamentation
2388 Pleating andstitching or tucking-not clothing manufacturing
2388 Trimmings orribbons-hand sewing on finished garments
2388 Trimmings-manufacturing fancy trimming or piping-notmanufacturing binding tape or ribbon
2402 Carpet or rug NOC
2402 Chenille carpetmanufacturing
2402 Hose -woven firehose from linen thread
2402 Rug -braided rugs
2402 Rug or carpet NOC
2413 Flock coating oftextiles
2413 Mercerizing textile
2413 Silk-screen processcloth printing-machinery operations prior to or after handoperations
2413 Textile-bleaching,dyeing, mercerizing, finishing
2416 Mercerizing yarn
2416 Thread or yarn dyeingor finishing
2416 Yarn or thread dyeingor finishing
2417 Cloth printing
2501 Automobile seat cover
2501 Chenille products  from chenille cloth-no carpet or cloth
2501 Clothing
2501 Collar
2501 Cushion, pillow or quilt
2501 Doll clothing or cloth dolls or cloth parts
2501 Draperies or curtain-from cloth, paper or plastic-cutting and sewing
2501 Feather pillow
2501 Fur clothing
2501 Furnishing goods NOC
2501 Furriers-repairing orremodeling fur garments
2501 Hat frame-ladies-from buckram
2501 Hat
2501 Jewelry traymanufacture-fabric
2501 Lamp shade-parchment or textile-(frame manufacturing to be separatelyrated)
2501 Lingerie
2501 Lining -hat
2501 Linings-sewing intocoats by hand
2501 Millinery
2501 Mosquitonetting-cutting, sewing
2501 Parachute
2501 Pillow, quilt or cushion
2501 Powder puff -fromfabrics or dressed wool skins
2501 Quilt, cushion or pillow
2501 Quilted cloth-for garments and garment linings
2501 Shirt
2501 Shoe ornament-fabric
2501 Sign -silk-screenprinting-cloth
2501 Silk-screen processcloth printing-hand printing operations
2501 Suspender
2501 Textilemending-invisible textile weaving of wearing apparel
2501 Toy-cloth-stuffed animals or toys
2501 Umbrella
2503 Dressmaking ortailoring-custom exclusively
2503 Fur coat and jacket-custom-made
2503 Tailoring ordressmaking-custom exclusively
2534 Christmas tree-aluminum
2534 Feather or flower-artificial
2534 Flower or feather-artificial
2534 Fur pointing
2534 Hair goods
2570 Box spring or mattress
2570 Mattress or box spring
2576 Apron  fromcanvas material
2576 Automobile convertible top
2576 Awning manufacturing:canvas products
2576 Awning or tent-shop
2576 Bag  from canvasmaterial
2576 Buffing or polishing cloth, cloth disks or cloth wheel
2576 Canvas goods NOC-shop
2576 Sail making
2576 Tarpaulin  fromcanvas material
2576 Tent or awning-shop
2578 Bag or sack-cloth
2578 Bag renovating
2578 Sack or bag-cloth
2582 Cleaning or dyeingcollecting or distributing station
2585 Carpet, rug or upholstery cleaning-shop or outside
2585 Diaper service &route supervisors, drivers
2585 Laundry NOC & routesupervisors, drivers
2585 Laundry-non-fabricgoods
2585 Rug, carpet or upholstery-cleaning-shop or outside-
2585 Upholstery, carpet or rug cleaning
2585 Venetian blind laundries-
2586 Cleaning or dyeing &route supervisors, drivers
2586 Dyeing or cleaning &route supervisors, drivers
2586 Feather dyeing-
2586 Fur clothing-cleaning, tumbling, glazing, combing and ironing-
2587 Toilet or towelsupply co. & route supervisors, drivers
2587 Towel or toiletsupply co. & route supervisors, drivers
2589 Dry cleaning andlaundry store-retail-& route supervisors, drivers
2589 Laundry and drycleaning store-retail-& route supervisors, drivers
2600 Fur dressing ordyeing
2600 Fur -preparingskins
2600 Hair-preparation forbrush manufacturers (dehairing to be separately rated)
2623 Hatters' fur
2623 Leather dressing
2623 Leather embossing
2623 Leather -patentor enamel
2623 Sheepskin pickling
2623 Tanning
2623 Wool pulling
2651 Gasket or washer-not metal
2651 Shoe findings
2651 Shoe stock
2651 Washer or gasket-not metal
2660 Boot or shoe  NOC
2660 Shoe or boot  NOC
2660 Slipper
2670 Glove lining
2670 Glove -includingbaseball, boxing, handball and punching bag gloves
2670 Glove -leather ortextile
2683 Hand luggage
2683 Luggage -hand
2688 Football, soccer,volleyball or basketball -(bladder  to be separatelyrated)
2688 Key case  fromleather, imitation leather or vinyl
2688 Leather belting
2688 Leather goods NOC
2688 Leather skiving
2688 Pocketbook
2688 Pocketbook  fromleather, imitation leather or vinyl
2688 Wallet  fromleather, imitation leather or vinyl
2688 Welting -leather,latex, burlap, paper, twine, etc.
2702 Bark peeling in connection with logging-
2702 Bark peeling-contractors-for pulpwood-
2702 Dam or lock construction-timber or brush cutting and removal
2702 Electric, telephone or alarm line-clearing of new right-of-way-standing timber-
2702 Logging or lumbering
2702 Logging or lumbering:all other employees
2710 Barking mills
2710 Chip harvesteroperation-portable or permanent
2710 Green chainoperation-lumber
2710 Lath -wood
2710 Log cabin-sawmill operation
2710 Log processing-posts& rails for fences
2710 Sawmill
2710 Shingle -wood
2710 Snow fence :cutting lath from logs
2710 Wood chip
2710 Wood shaving(excelsior)  in sawmill
2714 Veneer
2731 Baseboard -wood
2731 Dowel -wood
2731 Dressed lumber mill
2731 Flooring -wood
2731 Lumberremanufacturing
2731 Molding -wood
2731 Picture frame molding
2731 Planing or moldingmill
2731 Wood shaving(excelsior)  in planing or molding mill
2735 Barrel stock
2735 Cooperage stock
2735 Furniture stock
2735 Last block
2735 Pencil stock-wood
2735 Pipe block or blank-wooden smoking
2735 Stave -wood
2759 Box or box shook-wooden
2759 Packing case
2759 Pallet & skid-wood
2759 Pallet manufactureand repair-wood
2759 Skid -wooden
2790 Airplane propeller-wood
2790 Airplane-model kit  (high grade)
2790 Architectural scalemodel building
2790 Last or shoe form
2790 Model ships, railroador aircraft kit -high grade
2790 Mold -aluminumfor plastics industry
2790 Pattern making NOC
2790 Shoe form or last form
2790 Wood carving-by handor machine
2791 Pipe -wooden,tobacco (MD, MO, NC, NJ, OK, VA, VT)
2802 Bleacher -wood-
2802 Building beam or column -wood-
2802 Building-portable-wood
2802 Carpentry-shop only-
2802 Door, sash or assembled millwork -wood
2802 Fence -wood, picket-
2802 Ladder -wood-
2802 Laminated wood building beams and columns -
2802 Modular homes (factory built)-wood-
2802 Prefabricated house--wood-shop work-
2802 Roof truss -wood-
2802 Sash, door or assembled millwork -wood-
2802 Screen -window-wood-
2802 Silo building-wood-shop-
2802 Staircase fabrication-wood-
2802 Tank building-wood-shop-
2802 Wheelbarrow -wood-
2802 Windmill -wood-
2802 Window screen -wood-
2812 Advertising displays-wooden
2812 Automobile trailer-home-type
2812 Cabinet works-withpower machinery
2812 Exhibition boothfabrication
2812 Incubator -wood
2812 Kitchencabinets-manufacture
2812 Parade floatfabrication
2812 Refrigerated showcase-wood
2812 Showcase -wood
2812 Sign -wood-nopainting-using power machinery
2812 Stage sceneryfabrication
2812 Trailer-home-type
2835 Brush or broomassembly
2835 Mop -assemblyonly
2836 Brush or broom NOC
2841 Baseball bat
2841 Bobbin and spool-wood
2841 Box -wood framesfor traveling or luggage bags
2841 Brush or broom handle
2841 Coat hanger -wood
2841 Cork board  and cork products
2841 Cork cutting works
2841 Crutch -wood
2841 Golf club heads orshafts -wood
2841 Gunstock
2841 Handle -wood
2841 Hat block -wood
2841 Heel-wood-covering to be separately rated
2841 Hub and spoke-wood
2841 Jewelry traymanufacture-wooden
2841 Match stick-(stick portion only-refer to Code 4279 for  of completematch)
2841 Peg and skewer-wood
2841 Pipe -wooden,tobacco
2841 Pulley block-wood
2841 Saddle tree
2841 Shade roller-wood
2841 Shuttle
2841 Skimanufacturing-wood
2841 Spool -wood
2841 Toothpick
2841 Toy -wood
2841 Wheel or caster-wood
2841 Window shade roller
2841 Wood turned products  NOC
2841 Woodenware  NOC
2881 Barrel assembly
2881 Barrel dealersincluding repairing-wood
2881 Bed assembling-wood
2881 Cabinet works-nopower woodworking machinery
2881 Cask assembly
2881 Casket or coffin or assembly-wood
2881 Chair assembling-wood
2881 Clock assembly towood base
2881 Coffin  orassembly-wood
2881 Coffin or casket or assembly-wood
2881 Cooperage assembly
2881 Furnitureassembly-wood-from manufactured parts
2881 Keg assembly
2881 Picture frameassembling-from manufactured parts
2881 Sign -wood-nopainting or using power machinery
2881 Table assembling-wood
2881 Trophy -wooden
2881 Tubassembly-cooperage
2881 Venetian blindassembly
2883 Airplanesubassemblies -wood
2883 Billiard table
2883 Box -cigar-wood
2883 Cabinet  foraudio or visual device
2883 Cedar chest
2883 Furniture-wood-NOC
2883 Lamp -wooden
2883 Piano case
2883 Speaker enclosure  including assembly of components
2883 Tank, seat or cabinet-toilet-wood
2883 Trunk -metalframes or fittings to be separately rated
2913 Basket -willowware
2913 Fiber furniture
2913 Furniture-rattan, willow or twisted fiber
2913 Plants (fibrous) goods
2913 Rattan, willow or twisted fiber products
2913 Willow ware
2913 Willow, rattan or twisted fiber products
2915 Barrel -wood veneer-incl. veneer
2915 Basket -wood veneer-incl. veneer
2915 Plywood-including veneer
2915 Veneer products-including veneer
2916 Barrel -wood veneer-no veneer
2916 Basket -wood veneer-no veneer
2916 Panel -veneered, no veneer
2916 Plywood -no veneer
2916 Table & desk top-veneered, no veneer
2916 Veneer products-no veneer
2923 Musical instrument-wood-NOC
2923 Organ building &installation
2923 Piano keys
2923 Piano
2942 Crayon, pencil or penholder
2942 Lead pencil
2942 Pencil
2942 Pencil, penholder or crayon
2942 Penholder, crayon or pencil
2960 Pole, post or tie yard
2960 Telephone poles-treating-
2960 Tie, post or pole yard
2960 Wood preserving
3004 Iron or steel -steelmaking
3018 Iron or steel : doubling process-
3018 Iron or steel -rolling mill
3018 Rolling mill-iron or steel 
3022 Pipe manufacturing NOC
3022 Pipe or tube  NOC
3022 Tubing -non-ferrous-for automobile exhaust systems-
3027 Brass plate, sheet, strip or coil stock -
3027 Copper plate, sheet, strip or coil stock -
3027 Lead works
3027 Pipe or tube -lead-
3027 Rolling mill NOC
3028 Pipe or tube -iron or steel
3028 Tubing -iron or steel-for automobile exhaust systems-
3030 Iron or steel-iron or steel works-shop-structural-
3040 Aircraft landing mats -by welding
3040 Balcony fabrication-iron or steel-
3040 Burial vault -metal-
3040 Crab pot -
3040 Door -metal(heavy metal)
3040 Elevator door fabrication-iron or steel-
3040 Fire door fabrication-iron or steel
3040 Fire escape fabrication-iron or steel-
3040 Iron or steel-iron works-shop-ornamental-
3040 Railings fabrication-iron or steel-
3040 Shutter fabrication-iron or steel-
3040 Staircase fabrication-iron or steel-
3041 Facade fabrication-metal-
3041 Furniture -wrought iron-
3041 Iron or steel-fabrication ironworks-shop-decorative or artistic-foundries
3041 Memorial plaque fabrication-metal-
3041 Sculptures, hand formed-metal-
3041 Sun dial fabrication-metal-
3041 Wrought iron furniture -
3042 Elevator or escalator
3042 Escalator or elevator
3064 Neon sign
3064 Sign -metal
3064 Sign -silk-screenprinting-metal
3066 Coppersmith-shop
3066 Culvert -sheetmetal
3066 Door, door frame orsash -wood-metal covered
3066 Duct -airconditioning
3066 Grain bin
3066 Gutter (drainage)
3066 Hotel and restaurantkitchen equipment -sheet metal
3066 Oven -metalindustrial drying ovens
3066 Oven -nomechanical parts
3066 Restaurant andhotel-kitchen equipment -sheet metal
3066 Sash -metal
3066 Sheet metal work-shop
3066 Skylight
3076 Airplanesubassemblies -metal cowling, wing, tabs, & aileron, etc.
3076 Awningmanufacturing-metal-no erection work
3076 Bedstead  orassembly-metal
3076 Casket or coffin or assembly-metal
3076 Coffin or casket or assembly-metal
3076 Cryogenic device-sheet metal work
3076 Door -metal(light metal)
3076 Fireproof equipment
3076 Furniture -metal
3076 Garment rack-metal
3076 Ice cream cabinet-metal
3076 Incubator -metal
3076 Jalousie or jalousiescreen manufacture-metal or glass
3076 Locker -sheetmetal
3076 Panel -sheetmetal
3076 Partition -sheetmetal
3076 Radiator cabinet orshield -metal
3076 Refrigerator-metal-household or commercial-all other than refrigeratingunit
3076 Satellite dish-metal mesh
3076 Soda water fountain or apparatus
3076 Window sash-aluminum
3081 Bathtub -enameled iron-
3081 Enameled iron ware -
3081 Foundry-ferrous-NOC-
3081 Foundry-soil pipe using pit method-
3081 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel-NOC : foundry-ferrous-NOC
3081 Sink -enameled iron-
3082 Car wheel-railroad
3082 Foundry-steelcastings
3085 Casting  forothers-using non-ferrous metal
3085 Foundry-non-ferrous
3085 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel-NOC : foundry-non-ferrous
3110 Chain -forged
3110 Forging work-drop ormachine
3110 Tool -drop ormachine forged NOC-forging
3111 Blacksmith
3111 Horseshoeing
3111 Pipe bending andcutting
3113 Bits-power tool-not drop or machine forged
3113 Machine tools (small)-not drop or machine forged
3113 Moulds-non-forged machined metal moulds for the plastic industry
3113 Plumber's hand tool-not drop or machine forged
3113 Saw filer -notdrop or machine forged
3113 Tool -not drop ormachine forged-NOC
3113 Twist drills -notdrop or machine forged
3113 Watchmaker tool-not drop or machine forged
3114 Bits-power tool-drop or machine forged
3114 Machine tools (small)-drop or machine forged
3114 Moulds -forgedmachined metal moulds for the plastic industry
3114 Plumber's hand tool-drop or machine forged
3114 Saw filer -dropor machine forged
3114 Tool -drop ormachine forged NOC-machining
3114 Twist drills-drop or machine forged
3114 Watchmaker tool-drop or machine forged
3118 File
3118 Saw
3118 Saws-sharpening
3119 Needle
3119 Pen point
3122 Cutlery  NOC
3122 Knife
3122 Manicure products
3122 Razor  NOC (notelectric)
3122 Tweezers
3126 Agricultural tool-hand
3126 Artesian well tool
3126 Ax and sledgehammer
3126 Construction tool
3126 Logging tool
3126 Mining tool
3126 Oil well tool
3126 Plowshare
3126 Sledgehammer
3126 Tool-agricultural, construction, logging, mining, oil orartesian well
3126 Wheelbarrow-metal
3131 Buckle -metal(not brass, copper or silver)
3131 Button -campaignor convention
3131 Button or fastener-metal
3131 Fastener or button-metal
3131 Jewelers findings
3131 Zipper
3132 Bolt or nut
3132 Nut or bolt
3132 Spike
3145 Automatic screw machine products
3145 Screw
3146 Automobile accelerator assembly
3146 Automobile choke
3146 Automobile throttle rod
3146 Automobile window and trim molding
3146 Chain -roll ordrive-type
3146 Doorknob
3146 Handbag frame-metal
3146 Handle
3146 Hardware  NOC
3146 Horseshoe
3146 Ice skate
3146 Roller skate
3146 Saddlery hardware
3146 Skate
3146 Television antenna
3169 Furnace -oil orgas fired
3169 Oven -containingmechanical parts
3169 Range -gas orelectric
3169 Stove
3169 Water heater
3175 Boiler -cast ironfor heating purposes
3175 Heater or radiator
3175 Radiator or heater
3179 Automobile horn-electric
3179 Blender-household
3179 Cryogenic device-refrigeration unit
3179 Dehumidifier
3179 Electric razor or repair
3179 Electrical apparatus  NOC
3179 Electrical cable connector
3179 Fan
3179 Fire alarm siren
3179 Flashlight  orassembling
3179 Humidifier
3179 Iron (clothing presser)
3179 Microwave oven
3179 Motor -fractionalhorsepower
3179 Percolator
3179 Razor  orrepair-electric
3179 Refrigerator-metal-household or commercial- or assemblingrefrigerating unit
3179 Scanner -forpricing at cash registers
3179 Smoke alarm
3179 Thermostat
3179 Toaster
3179 Truck trailerrefrigeration systems installation or repair at insured'spremises
3179 Vacuum
3179 Wall switches-electrical
3180 Chandelier
3180 Electric or gas lighting fixtures
3180 Gas or electric lighting fixtures
3180 Lamp -floor ortable-using metal processing
3188 Faucet
3188 Plumbers' supplies  NOC
3220 Can
3223 Lamp or portablelantern  NOC
3223 Lantern or lamp NOC
3224 Agate or enamel wear
3224 Enamel or agate ware
3224 Porcelainizing ofmetal products
3227 Aluminum ware
3227 Cooking utensils-steel
3240 Cable or wire rope-iron or steel
3240 Wire rope or cable-iron or steel
3241 Wire drawing-iron orsteel
3255 Wire cloth
3257 Cage -wire
3257 Chain -formed orwelded from wire
3257 Coat hanger-metal
3257 Conveyor belt-wire
3257 Fence -wire
3257 Filter screen-for use in grain mills
3257 Lamp shade frame-wire
3257 Snow fence : wiretwisting
3257 Spring -wire
3257 Welding rod
3257 Wire fence
3257 Wire goods  NOC
3270 Eyelet
3270 Nail
3270 Pin
3270 Razor blade-safety
3270 Razor -safety
3270 Safety pin
3270 Snap fasteners
3270 Staple
3270 Tack  (nail type)
3300 Automobile cushions or seat
3300 Bed spring or wire mattress
3300 Couches (folding)
3300 Daybed
3300 Wire mattress or bed spring
3303 Automobile bumper
3303 Automobilebumper-straightening & repair
3303 Spring
3307 Heat treating-metal
3315 Bird cage
3315 Brass or copper goods
3315 Buckle -brass orcopper
3315 Cigar and cigarettelighter  or assembling
3315 Copper or brass goods
3315 Explosives orammunition -cartridge or shell case -metal
3315 Fire extinguisher
3315 Flashlight case
3315 Hub cap
3315 Lightning rod
3315 Picture hook
3334 Collapsible white metal tube and cap
3334 Tin foil
3334 Tube-metal-collapsible
3336 Castings-metal-by lost wax process
3336 Type foundry
3365 Pipe testing or inspection-destructive-including radiographic or X-ray processes-
3365 Welding or cutting NOC
3365 Welding-microscopic-
3365 Welding-robotic-
3372 Anodizing metalarticles
3372 Buffing and polishing-small articles-shop only-no
3372 Deburring-metal
3372 Detinning
3372 Electroplating
3372 Metalcleaning-pickling
3372 Metal finishing (deburring)
3372 Polishing and buffing-small articles-shop only-no
3372 Shot peening-metalparts
3373 Aluminum coating ofsteel wire
3373 Chemical milling
3373 Galvanizing ortinning-not electrolytic
3373 Rustproofing tools orother metal articles
3373 Tinning orgalvanizing-not electrolytic
3383 Buckle -silver
3383 Coronet
3383 Gold leaf
3383 Horn
3383 Jewelry
3383 Jewelry repair-notjewelry store
3383 Musical instrument-metal-NOC
3383 Silverware
3383 Trombone
3383 Watch case
3385 Camera repair
3385 Clock
3385 Clock repair-notjewelry store
3385 Watch
3400 Air rifle -metalstamped parts
3400 Ash can -metalstamped parts
3400 Automobile parts-miscellaneous stamped parts such as fenders
3400 Barrel or drum-steel-metal stamped parts
3400 Barrel ordrum-steel-reconditioning or repair
3400 Bullet clip-metal stamped parts
3400 Fender-automobile-metal stamped parts
3400 Keg -metalstamped parts
3400 Metal stamped goods  NOC
3400 Metal stampingNOC
3400 Metal tag -metalstamped parts
3400 Tinware -pieplates, pails, waste baskets, ash cans, dustpans-metal stampedparts
3400 Toy -metalstamped parts
3507 Agricultural machinery
3507 Baling press-hydraulic
3507 Constructionmachinery, dredge or steam shovel  NOC
3507 Conveyor
3507 Cotton gin machine
3507 Crane -overhead
3507 Dredge, steam shovelor construction machinery  NOC
3507 Dust collector systems
3507 Hay loader
3507 Hoisting systems
3507 Lawn mower
3507 Locomotive works
3507 Mining or ore milling machinery
3507 Ore milling or mining machinery
3507 Pile driving equipment
3507 Pneumatic unloaders
3507 Pollution control systems
3507 Power plow or traction engine
3507 Reaper
3507 Road or street making machinery
3507 Safe  orrepairing
3507 Steam shovel, dredgeor construction machinery  NOC
3507 Street or road making machinery
3507 Traction engine or power plow
3507 Tractor-Caterpillar-type
3515 Knitting machine
3515 Loom harness or reed
3515 Textile machinery
3548 Anti-aircraft gun
3548 Arms  NOC
3548 Artillery cannon
3548 Bookbinding or printing machine
3548 Gun -20-mm andlarger
3548 Printing or bookbinding machine
3548 Tank gun
3548 Torpedo
3559 Confection machine
3559 Juke box
3559 Locker -automatic
3559 Scale -automatic
3559 Vending machine
3574 Adding machine
3574 Air pressure or steam gauge
3574 Arms -small
3574 Calculator
3574 Cash register
3574 Computing, recordingor office machine  NOC
3574 Explosives orammunition -cartridge  or assembly-small arms
3574 Gas meter
3574 Humidity control (gauges, meters)
3574 Machine gun -.50caliber or less
3574 Pistol -.50caliber or less
3574 Recording machine  (office-type)
3574 Rifle -.50caliber or less
3574 Sewing machine
3574 Sewingmachines-commercial-repairing or rebuilding machines, cutters &parts in shop
3574 Shotgun -.50caliber or less
3574 Slot machine -notvending machines
3574 Speedometer or taximeter
3574 Steam or air pressure gauge
3574 Taximeter or speedometer
3574 Typewriter
3574 Voting machine
3581 Carburetor
3581 Fuel injection device
3581 Fuel pump -auto
3581 Super charger
3581 Turbo supercharger  or repair
3612 Engine  NOC
3612 Engine -outboardmotors
3612 Hydraulic device-jacks, auto lifts
3612 Outboard motor
3612 Pneumatic device-drills, riveters, hammers
3612 Pump
3620 Armor plateprocessing
3620 Boilermaking
3620 Culvert -platemetal
3620 Military tank hull  or assembly
3620 Refuse container (dumpster)
3620 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel-NOC-boilermaking
3620 Tankbuilding-metal-shop
3620 Whiskey still
3629 Precision machinedparts  NOC
3632 Automobile brakedrums-reconditioning & relining-drums removed from vehicle byothers
3632 Automobile clutchrebuilding-clutch removed from vehicle by others
3632 Automobile enginerebuilding-engine removed from vehicle by others
3632 Automobile jack-not stamped
3632 Automobile piston
3632 Automotive machineshops-no work on cars-including cylinder reboring, valvegrinding, turning down brake drums, etc.
3632 Axle unit assembling or
3632 Bomb case
3632 Diesel engines usedas generators-repair
3632 Explosives orammunition -projectile or shell
3632 Laundry machinery-commercial or household
3632 Lawn mower repair
3632 Machine shop NOC
3632 Piston-automobile
3632 Rebabbitting of autoconnecting rods
3632 Sharpening industrialtools
3632 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel-NOC: machine shop
3632 Stoker
3632 Toolsharpening-industrial tools
3632 Woodworking machine
3634 Acetylene torch
3634 Automatic sprinkler head
3634 Sprinkler head
3634 Valve
3634 Water meter
3634 Welding torch
3635 Airplane-cam & gear
3635 Gear  or grinding
3635 Piston pin
3635 Piston ring
3638 Ball or roller bearing
3638 Roller or ball bearing
3642 Battery -dry
3643 Battery charger
3643 Electric power or transmission equipment
3643 Sewingmachines-commercial-repairing and rebuilding electric motors
3647 Battery -storage
3648 Alternator
3648 Automotive electricalapparatus repair-no removal from installation in or repair ofvehicles
3648 Automotive lighting,ignition or starting apparatus  NOC
3648 Directional signal
3648 Distributor (automobile) parts
3648 Fuse -household
3648 Generator
3648 Horn -automobile
3648 Ignition coil
3648 Siren
3648 Spark plug
3648 Windshield wiper
3681 Antennae
3681 Circuit board
3681 Coil -electrical
3681 Condenser-electrical
3681 Electrical cord set,radio or ignition harness assembly
3681 Electronic timers
3681 Hearing aid
3681 Printed circuit
3681 Radio set
3681 Satellite dish-electronic component
3681 Speaker
3681 Telephone
3681 Telephone or telegraph apparatus
3681 Television set
3681 Television, radio,telephone or telecommunication device  NOC
3681 Transformer
3685 Assay balance
3685 Dental instrument
3685 Electro-physical therapy equipment
3685 Ether-suction machine
3685 Instrument  NOC
3685 Instrument-airplane
3685 Instrument-surveyors
3685 Medical diagnostic lamp
3685 Pyrometer
3685 Surgical instrument
3685 Thermometer
3685 X-ray apparatus
3719 Oil still erection orrepair
3724 Acetylene gas machine installation
3724 Air conditioning-non-portable-machinery installation
3724 Compressor repair or service-away from shop-
3724 Cooling tower erection-prefabricated wood or metal-
3724 Door installation-overhead-
3724 Electrical apparatus installation or repair
3724 Electrical power equipment repair or service-away from shop-
3724 Floodlights-erection of temporary floodlights-
3724 Gas bench and retort installation-
3724 Gasoline pump installation
3724 Grates-installing or replacing in steam boilers-by specialist contractors-
3724 Leather belting installation or repair-
3724 Millwright work NOC
3724 Motor (heavy) repair or service-away from shop-
3724 Oil or gas burnerinstallation -commercial type
3724 Overhead (garage) doors installation
3724 Pump installation -commercial
3724 Refrigeration-commercial-installation or repair of compressors, motors
3724 Satellite dishinstallation-large- (concrete work or wiring inbuilding interiors to be separately classified)
3724 Scales-installation or adjustment-platform or beam-type-
3724 Sewing machines-commercial-repairing, installing and dismantling in sewing plants
3724 Tank installation-gas stations-
3724 Truck trailer refrigeration systems installation or repair away from insured's premises-
3724 Water cooling tower erection-
3726 Beer vat coating withchemicals
3726 Boiler installationor repair-steam
3726 Boiler scaling
3726 Cleaning tanks ortank cars
3726 Tank cleaning-oil orgas storage: inside
3726 Tank erection orrepair-metal-within buildings exclusively
3803 Airplane wheel
3803 Automobile wheel-metal-not cast
3803 Wheel-automobile, metal-not cast
3807 Automobile radiator
3807 Radiator-automobile
3808 Automobile  orassembly
3808 Bus  orassembly-entire vehicle
3808 Carriage or wagon  or assembly
3808 Golf cart  orassembly-entire vehicle
3808 Snowmobile  orassembly-entire vehicle
3808 Truck  orassembly-entire vehicle
3808 Wagon or carriage  or assembly
3821 Aircraft salvaging-
3821 Automobile dismantling
3822 Automobile, bus,truck or trailer body : die-pressed steel
3822 Boat trailer-die-pressed steel
3822 Shipping container  (containerized cargo boxes)-die-pressed steel
3822 Trailer body -not"home" type-die-pressed steel
3824 Automobile, bus,truck or trailer body : other than die-pressed steel
3824 Boat trailer -nodie-pressed steel
3824 Shipping container  (containerized cargo boxes)-no die-pressed steel
3824 Trailer body -not"home" type-other than die-pressed steel
3826 Aircraft engine
3826 Engine -aircraft
3827 Automobile engine
3827 Bus engine
3827 Engine-automobile
3827 Truck engine
3830 Airplane
3851 Motorcycle  orassembly
3865 Baby carriage
3865 Bicycle  orassembly
3865 Tricycle
3865 Wheelchair
3881 Car -railroad-
3881 Railroad car dismantling
3881 Railroad car -
4000 Clay or shale digging
4000 Culm recovery-
4000 Diatomite-digging and stripping-
4000 Dredging of materials on non-navigable waters with incidental shore operations-
4000 Gravel or sand digging
4000 Humus digging and bagging-
4000 Marl-digging and stripping-
4000 Peat digging-
4000 Sand or gravel digging
4000 Shale or clay digging
4000 Stone digging for stone crushing plant-
4018 Refractory products-all employees  (MO)
4021 Asphalt paving bricks -
4021 Brick or clay products  NOC
4021 Clay products or brick  NOC
4021 Conduit -clay-
4021 Earthenware or tile  NOC
4021 Pipe -sewer or drain, clay-
4021 Tile or earthenware  NOC
4024 Brick -fire or enameled-
4024 Refractory products 
4024 Tile -boiler orstoker
4034 Burial vaults (concrete) manufacture and installation
4034 Coffin and casket -concrete-
4034 Concrete block -
4034 Concrete brick -
4034 Concrete products 
4034 Cornice -concrete-
4034 Garden furniture -concrete-
4034 Grill -concrete-
4034 Lawn ornament -concrete-
4034 Ornamental figure -concrete-
4034 Patio block -small-concrete-
4034 Pre-stressed concrete beam -
4034 Pre-stressed concrete girder -
4034 Roof tile -concrete-
4034 Sill -concrete-
4036 Artificial marble -
4036 Marble -artificial-
4036 Mortar -
4036 Plaster or staff mixing
4036 Plasterboard or plaster block 
4036 Roof coating -stucco type-
4036 Staff or plaster mixing
4036 Wall coating -stucco type-
4038 Display -papiermache
4038 Dress form
4038 Dressmaker forms-plaster
4038 Map -relief-madeof plaster
4038 Novelties-plaster
4038 Ornament or plaster statuary
4038 Papier mache goods
4038 Plaster form
4038 Plaster novelties
4038 Plaster statuary or ornament
4053 Etching-aluminumoxide process
4053 Pottery -china ortableware
4053 Sand carving
4053 Terra cotta
4061 Ceramics
4061 Clay flower pot-hand molded or cast
4061 Pottery-earthenware-glazed or porcelain-hand molded or cast
4062 Ceramic goods-spark plug cores, spools, pulleys
4062 Clay flower pot-press formed
4062 Porcelainware-mechanical press forming
4062 Pottery-porcelain ware-mechanical press forming
4062 Tile-decorative-non-structural
4101 Glass -
4101 Glass -blown sheet window-
4101 Glass -polished plate-
4101 Glass -rolled-
4111 Automobile headlight lens
4111 Glassware -noautomatic blowing machines
4111 Tableware-glass-no automatic blowing machines
4112 Cathode-ray tube
4112 Fluorescent tube
4112 Incandescent lamp
4112 Light bulb
4112 Neon lamp
4112 Photoflash bulb
4112 Photoflood lamp
4112 Radio tube
4112 Television tube
4112 X-ray tube
4113 Glass -cut
4114 Bottle -milk,soft drink
4114 Glassware  NOC
4114 Glassware  usingautomatic blowing machines
4114 Jar
4130 Aquarium -glass
4130 Glass merchant
4131 Appliance glass-used in microwave ovens, display panels and video games
4131 Mirror
4133 Cathedral or art glass window
4133 Glass window-stained
4150 Binocular
4150 Computer chip
4150 Contact lens
4150 Crystal -radio orelectronic
4150 Electronic chip
4150 Eyeglass
4150 Goggle
4150 Lens -ground
4150 Opera glasses
4150 Optical goods NOC
4150 Telescope -withlens grinding
4206 Bark peeling in papermills-ground wood process
4206 Pulp -ground woodprocess
4207 Bark peeling in papermills-chemical process
4207 Pulp -chemicalprocess
4239 Cardboard bristol board and paperboard
4239 Chip or particleboard
4239 Fiberboard
4239 Paper
4239 Particleboard
4240 Box -set up paper
4243 Box -foldingpaper-NOC
4243 Filter -paper,fiberglass
4244 Corrugated or fiberboard container
4244 Fiberboard container
4244 Honeycomb packaging products
4250 Cork paper -no paper
4250 Flypaper
4250 Paper coating
4250 Paper corrugating orlaminating
4250 Paper crepeing
4250 Paper oiling,paraffining, parchmentizing or waxing
4251 Carbon paper or typewriter ribbon
4251 Coin wrappers and currency strap
4251 Envelope
4251 Filing folders or indexing devices
4251 Inked ribbonpreparation
4251 Label -paper
4251 Loose leaf ledger or notebook
4251 Notebook or loose-leaf ledger
4251 Stationery
4251 Typewriter ribbon or carbon paper
4263 Fiber goods
4263 Insulation -paper
4273 Bag -paper orplastic
4279 Box or case lining-from waterproof paper for export packing
4279 Cardboard mailing tube
4279 Cop tube
4279 Display-cardboard
4279 Lithograph mountingand finishing
4279 Mailing tube-cardboard
4279 Match -paper or wooden
4279 Milk bottle cap-paper-including printing
4279 Napkin
4279 Paper goods  NOC
4279 Paper plate
4279 Paper sheeting orslitting and winding
4279 Paper towel
4279 Paper twine
4279 Toilet tissue
4279 Toy -cardboard
4279 Wallpaper
4279 Waxed paper
4282 Boot or shoe pattern
4282 Dress pattern-paper
4282 Music roll-perforated paper
4282 Shoe or boot pattern
4283 Building or roofingpaper or felt preparation-no installation
4283 Felt or building orroofing paper preparation-no installation
4283 Roofing or buildingpaper or felt preparation-no installation
4283 Roofing paper or roofing felt
4299 Banks and trustcompanies: printing employees
4299 Decalcomania transfer-not silk-screen process
4299 Electrotyping
4299 Lithographing
4299 Paper ruling
4299 Photographiccomposition-printing-not clerical
4299 Plastic or vinyl sign-computerized
4299 Playing cards
4299 Printing
4299 Rubber stamp  orassembly
4299 Sign -plastic orvinyl-computer-generated letters or graphics-no manufacture orpreparation of surfaces
4299 Sign -silk-screenprinting-paper or plasterboard
4299 Sign -silk-screenprinting-plastic
4299 Sign -silk-screenprinting-wood
4299 Stereotyping
4304 Newspaper publishing
4304 Photographiccomposition-newspaper-not clerical
4307 Bookbinding
4307 Table pad -fromcardboard and fabric
4308 Linotype or handcomposition
4351 Photoengraving
4352 China decorating-byhand
4352 Decorating ceramic orglass by hand
4352 Engraving
4352 Glass-crystalengraving
4360 Motion picture:development of negatives, printing & all subsequent operations
4361 Aerial photographer-ground laboratory employees-
4361 Blueprint duplication service-
4361 Film printshops-developing and printing of films-all employees & clerical,salespersons, drivers
4361 Mapping or survey work-aerial-photography-ground laboratory-
4361 Microfilming-
4361 Photographer-allemployees & clerical, salespersons, drivers
4362 Film exchange &clerical
4362 Motion picture filmexchange projection rooms, & clerical
4410 Belt -rubber
4410 Boot or shoe-rubber
4410 Carpet pad-rubber
4410 Cement compound-rubber
4410 Cushion -rubber
4410 Fabric coating-rubberor plastic
4410 Floor tile-rubber
4410 Foam rubber
4410 Glove -rubber
4410 Heel or sole-rubber
4410 Hose -rubber
4410 Jar ring -rubber
4410 Metal coating-rubberor plastic
4410 Mouthpiece-rubber
4410 Plastic scrapreclaiming-foamed or expanded plastics
4410 Rubber band
4410 Rubber goods  NOC
4410 Rubber reclaiming
4410 Sealing compound-rubber
4410 Shoe or boot-rubber-includes combined rubber and fabric boots or shoes
4410 Sneaker
4420 Rubber tire
4431 Cassettes-magneticmedia, manufacture or assembly
4431 Phonograph record
4432 Fountain pen
4432 Pen -all types
4432 Pencil-mechanical
4439 Lacquer or spirit varnish
4439 Spirit varnish or lacquer
4439 Varnish -spirit
4452 Advertising sign-celluloid
4452 Bone or ivory goods
4452 Horn goods-fabricated products
4452 Ivory or bone goods
4452 Plastic goods  bydipping process
4452 Plastics-fabricated products NOC
4459 Pipe -plastic,extrusion method
4459 Plastics -sheets,rods or tubes
4459 Pyroxylin
4470 Cable-insulated-electrical
4470 Wire insulating orcovering
4484 Button  NOC
4484 Doll or doll parts  or assembly
4484 Plastics -moldedproducts NOC
4484 Plastics-laminatedmolded products  by laminating liquid plastic impregnatedfibers, with the use of brush or spray, either in or over a mold or form NOC
4493 Asphalt tile
4493 Fabric coating orimpregnating NOC
4493 Fiberglass-plastic-coated
4493 Leather-imitation
4493 Linoleum
4493 Oil cloth
4511 Analytical chemist
4511 Assaying
4511 Building materialresearch or analytical laboratory
4511 Geophysical researchor analytical laboratory
4511 Magnaflux testing andinspection
4511 Medicalapparatus-sterilization using X-ray process
4511 Medical research oranalytical laboratory
4511 Metallurgicalresearch or analytical laboratory
4511 Microbiology researchor analytical laboratory
4511 Ordinance research oranalytical laboratory
4511 Petroleum research oranalytical laboratory
4511 Pharmacology researchor analytical laboratory
4511 Radiography researchor analytical laboratory
4511 Sand or gravelresearch or analytical laboratory-for precious stones
4511 Soil testing researchor analytical laboratory
4511 Toxicology researchor analytical laboratory
4511 Transistor researchor analytical laboratory
4557 Axle grease
4557 Brake fluid
4557 Buffing or polishing compounds
4557 Candle
4557 Dressing or polish
4557 Grease or oil mixingor blending
4557 Ink
4557 Mucilage, ink (writing) or paste
4557 Oil or grease mixingor blending
4557 Paste, ink (writing) or mucilage
4557 Polish or dressing
4557 Saddle soap
4557 Sealing wax
4557 Tallow chandlers
4557 Wax
4557 Wax products
4558 Caulking compound
4558 Color grinding,blending or testing
4558 Paint
4558 Putty
4558 Whiting
4561 Varnish-oleo-resinous
4568 Borax, potash or salt producing or refining
4568 Potash, borax or salt producing or refining
4568 Salt, borax or potash producing or refining
4581 Phosphate works
4583 Fertilizer 
4583 Fertilizer -from seaweed-
4583 Peat moss mixture -
4583 Potting soil mixture -
4583 Soil conditioner -
4597 Ink (writing),mucilage or paste  (GA, MO, NJ, NY)
4611 Cosmetics -notmanufacturing ingredients
4611 Cough drop
4611 Cough syrupcompounding or preparation-no  of ingredients
4611 Drug, medicine orpharmaceutical preparation, compounding or blending-no  ofingredients
4611 Medicine, drug orpharmaceutical preparation, compounding or blending-no  ofingredients
4611 Ointment compoundingor preparation-no  of ingredients
4611 Perfume compoundingor preparation-no  of ingredients
4611 Pharmaceutical, drugor medicine preparation, compounding or blending-no  ofingredients
4611 Shampoo compoundingor preparation-no  of ingredients
4611 Toothpastecompounding or preparation-no  of ingredients
4635 Acetylene gas 
4635 Carbon dioxide -
4635 Carbonic acid gas 
4635 Dry ice -
4635 Fire extinguisher-service or recharge-
4635 Hydrogen or oxygen 
4635 Oxygen or hydrogen 
4635 Tank charging-gases or compressed air-
4653 Gelatin : not food-
4653 Glue 
4653 Isinglass -
4665 Cod liver oil -
4665 Fish oil -
4665 Rendering works NOC
4670 Cottonseed feed -
4670 Cottonseed oil -mechanical-
4670 Cottonseed oil -solvent-
4683 Cottonseed oilrefining
4683 Flaxseed oil -notusing solvent extraction process
4683 Lard refining
4683 Oil-vegetable-NOC
4683 Peanut oil -notusing solvent extraction process
4683 Soybean oil -notusing solvent extraction process
4683 Sunflower oil-not using solvent extraction process
4686 Flaxseed oil-using solvent extraction process
4686 Oil-vegetable-solvent extraction process
4686 Peanut oil -usingsolvent extraction process
4686 Soybean oil-using solvent extraction process
4686 Sunflower oil-using solvent extraction process
4692 Artificial teeth
4692 Dental laboratory
4693 Absorbent cotton
4693 Artificial limb
4693 Bandage -weavingto be separately rated
4693 Braces for the handicapped
4693 Foot goods -archsupports, bunion straps
4693 Pharmaceutical orsurgical goods  NOC
4693 Surgical dressings
4693 Surgical orpharmaceutical goods  NOC
4703 Corn products
4703 Dextrine
4703 Glucose
4703 Starch
4716 Lard refining (IL,IN, MA, MO)
4717 Butter substitute
4717 Hydrogenation of oils
4717 Margarine
4720 Detergent
4720 Soap -liquid
4720 Soap or synthetic detergent
4740 Gasoline recovery
4740 Gasoline recovery from casing head or natural gas-absorption process-
4740 Motor oil-used, reclaiming, recycling or rerefining-
4740 Oil refining-petroleum-
4740 Oil-reclaiming of used motor oil-
4741 Asphalt or tar distilling or refining
4741 Roofing compound -of asphalt and asbestos-
4751 Synthetic rubber
4771 Explosives or ammunition -bag loading-propellant charges-
4771 Explosives or ammunition -black powder 
4771 Explosives or ammunition -cap, primer, fuse, booster or detonator assembly
4771 Explosives or ammunition -cartridge charging or loading
4771 Explosives or ammunition -explosives distributors
4771 Explosives or ammunition -fireworks 
4771 Explosives or ammunition -high explosives 
4771 Explosives or ammunition -NOC
4771 Explosives or ammunition -projectile, bomb, mine or grenade loading
4771 Explosives or ammunition -shell case loading
4771 Explosives or ammunition -smokeless powder -
4771 Nitro starch explosives -
4771 Nitroglycerine explosives -
4771 Picrates explosives -
4771 Picric acid explosives -
4771 Tetryl explosives -
4777 Blasting agents-preparation or distribution
4777 Fireworks dealer-
4825 Drug, medicine orpharmaceutical preparation  & includes  of ingredients
4825 Dye -natural
4825 Essential oils  &distillation
4825 Extract
4825 Hydrogen peroxide
4825 Incense
4825 Insulin
4825 Iodine
4825 Licorice extract
4825 Medicine, drug orpharmaceutical preparation  & includes  of ingredients
4825 Penicillin
4825 Pharmaceutical, drugor medicine preparation  & includes  of ingredients
4825 Syrup -forcarbonated beverages
4825 Tanning extract
4825 Vitamin
4828 Chemical blending ormixing NOC-all operations and drivers
4828 Insect control-usingpoisonous gases
4829 Chemical  NOC-all operations
4902 Airplane-model kit  (toy)
4902 Archery equipment
4902 Baseball mask
4902 Baseball
4902 Clay target -forskeet shooting
4902 Fishing rod and tackle
4902 Fishing tackle repair
4902 Golf ball
4902 Golf clubs
4902 Golf clubs- orassembling
4902 Gymnasium appliance
4902 Harness or saddle
4902 Helmet -sports
4902 Model airplane-balsa wood
4902 Saddle or harness
4902 Sporting goods NOC
4902 Table tennis set
4902 Tennis ball
4902 Whip
4923 Audio or visual recording media
4923 Blueprint paper
4923 Camera
4923 Disc -magnetic
4923 Photo films and dry plates
4923 Photographic supplies
4923 Recording tape or disk
4923 Tape -magnetic
4940 Soda water fountainor apparatus  (IL, MO, OK)
5020 Acoustical ceilinginstallation
5020 Ceilinginstallation-suspended acoustical grid type
5022 Blast furnace repairand relining-masonry
5022 Boiler brickwork-installation or repair
5022 Brickwork-installation, repair or cleaning
5022 Building caulking
5022 Burial vaultinstallation-no manufacture
5022 Cement block erection
5022 Chimneyconstruction-one- or two-story residences
5022 Fireplaceconstruction
5022 Fireproof tilesetting
5022 Masonry NOC
5022 Mausoleums incemeteries-erection only
5022 Plastering or stuccowork-on outside of buildings
5022 Silo erection-masonryor tile
5022 Stucco or plasteringwork-on outside of buildings
5022 Tuck pointingperformed by contractor engaged in chimney work assigned to Code5022
5022 Tuck pointingperformed by specialist contractor
5022 Waterproofing:exterior-with trowel
5022 Wrecking-notmarine-all operations-masonry
5037 Painting-metalbridges & shop operations, drivers
5037 Painting-metal structures-over two stories in height-
5040 Balcony erection-ironor steel, exterior
5040 Cable TV-erection ofmain receiving or transmitting tower
5040 Fire escapeinstallation: outside of buildings
5040 Fireproofshutter-erection or repair
5040 Gas holder erection
5040 Iron or steelerection-exterior (balconies, fire escapes staircases, etc.)
5040 Iron or steelerection-frame structures over two stories in height
5040 Iron or steelerection-metal bridges
5040 Iron or steelerection-radio, television or water towers, smokestacks, gasholders
5040 Radio transmissiontower erection
5040 Tankerection-spherical steel
5040 Televisiontransmission tower erection
5040 Water towers-erection
5057 Blast furnaceerection
5057 Clothesdryers-metal-erection on roofs
5057 Concrete or cementdistributing towers-installation, repair or removal
5057 Crane or derrickinstallation
5057 Derrick or oil rigerecting or dismantling-all operations-metal
5057 Iron or steelerection NOC
5057 Oil rig or derrickerecting or dismantling-metal-all operations
5057 Scaffolding: concreteor cement distributing towers-installation, repair or removal
5057 Scaffolding: scaffoldinstallation, repair or removal-built up from the ground-notsuspended or swinging type
5057 Vault construction orinstallation
5057 Windmillerection-metal
5057 Wrecking-notmarine-all operations-iron or steel
5059 Iron or steelerection-frame structures not over two stories in height
5067 Bridge building-metal(MO)
5069 Iron or steelerection-construction of dwellings not over two stories inheight
5069 Military reservationconstruction-iron or steel erection not over two stories inheight
5069 Swimming poolconstruction-iron or steel
5102 Aluminum windows ordoors-not storm-installation
5102 Artistic metalerection work-plaques, facades, facings
5102 Awning erection:canvas products
5102 Awning, tent orcanvas goods erection, removal or repair
5102 Camouflagework-decorating
5102 Canvas goods, awningor tent erection, removal or repair
5102 Canvassidewalls-erection-at ballparks, etc.
5102 Decorating
5102 Decorative metalerection work-plaques, facades, facings
5102 Doorinstallation-metal or metal covered-in garages-not overhead
5102 Door, door frame orsash erection-metal or metal covered
5102 Draperies orcurtains-installation in public buildings NOC
5102 Elevator entrance &door installation
5102 Fence erection toprevent soil erosion
5102 Fire doorinstallation
5102 Fire escapeinstallation: inside of buildings
5102 Flags and buntingerection
5102 Iron or steelerection-decorative
5102 Iron or steelerection-door or sash erection-metal or metal covered
5102 Iron or steelerection-non-structural-interior
5102 Lining reservoirs,lagoons, ponds-rubber or plastic
5102 Metal sashinstallation
5102 Prison cellerection-steel
5102 Steel frameerection-interior-by specialist contractor
5102 Tent, awning orcanvas goods erection, removal or repair
5102 Window frame & sashinstallation or repair-metal
5146 Boardinstallation-chalk, bulletin or cork
5146 Dental equipmentinstallation
5146 Exhibitions-tradeshows or conventions, setting up or taking down
5146 Filing equipmentinstallation
5146 Fixtures or furnitureinstallation-portable-NOC
5146 Floorinstallation-floating or access
5146 Furniture or fixturesinstallation-portable-NOC
5146 Hospital equipmentinstallation
5146 Kitchen equipmentinstallation-commercial
5146 Metal partitioninstallation
5146 Modular partition orworkstation installation
5146 Partitioninstallation-metal
5146 Showcase erection andinstallation
5146 Soda fountain orcounter installation
5146 Steel lockerinstallation
5146 Theater seatsinstallation
5146 Workstation-modularpartition metal-installation
5160 Elevator erection orrepair
5160 Elevatorservicing-oiling, adjusting and maintenance
5160 Escalator erection orrepair
5183 Air conditioning-non-portable-plumbing
5183 Beer and soft drink dispensing equipment, cleaning
5183 Beer coil cleaning-
5183 Beer drawing equipment-cleaning and installation-
5183 Boiler or steam pipe insulating
5183 Boilers-domestic-installation or repair-
5183 Carrier system-pneumatic-installation or repair
5183 Furnace installation-hot water or steam-
5183 Insulation of pipesand boilers-non-asbestos materials
5183 Insulation-steam pipe or boiler
5183 Lawn sprinkler systems installation-underground-
5183 Oil or gas burnerinstallation -domestic type-
5183 Oil still pipe insulation
5183 Plumbing NOC
5183 Pump installation -domestic or residential
5183 Refrigeration-commercial or domestic-pipe fitting-including theinstallation of tubing; drivers
5183 Sewer cleaning-building connections-using portable equipment-
5183 Soft drink or beer dispensing unit equipment-cleaning
5183 Sprinkler installation-residential-
5183 Steam pipe or boiler insulating
5183 Thermostat installation-not electric-
5183 Water softener-installation or service-domestic-
5188 Automatic sprinkler installation
5188 Fire extinguishing systems-dry chemical-installation and service
5188 Sprinkler installation-fire-
5190 Air conditioning-non-portable-servicing, cleaning, oiling or adjusting-
5190 Cable installation
5190 Christmas or holiday decorations-street or outside-
5190 Dishwasher-installation, service or repair-commercial-
5190 Electric oven-installation, service or repair-commercial-
5190 Electrical wiring-within buildings
5190 Food mixers-installation, service or repair-commercial-
5190 Fry kettle-installation, service or repair-commercial-
5190 Ice cream cabinet installation & service, drivers-by specialist contractors-
5190 Meter-electric-installing, repairing and testing-including shop;
5190 Refrigeration-commercial-cleaning, oiling or adjusting-
5190 Sewing machines-commercial-electrical wiring-away from shop-
5190 Thermostat installation-electric-
5191 Banks and trustcompanies: office machine repair employees
5191 Cashregister-installation, service or repair
5191 Computer deviceinstallation, inspection, service or repair
5191 Computer-installation, service or repair
5191 Copymachine-installation, service or repair
5191 Meat slicers orgrinders-service or repair
5191 Office machine orappliance installation, inspection, adjustment or repair
5191 Piano tuning-awayfrom shop
5191 Scales-installationor adjustment-counter-type
5191 Soapdispenser-installation and inspection
5191 Typewriter-installation, service or repair
5191 X-ray equipment,installation, service & repair
5192 Amusement machines-coin operated, installation, service or repair-
5192 Automatic tellermachines installation, service or repair-& salespersons, drivers
5192 Coffee: servicecompanies-all operations & salespersons, drivers
5192 Jukeboxes-installation, service or repair-& salespersons, drivers
5192 Parking metersinstallation, service or repair-& salespersons, drivers
5192 Pinballmachines-service or repair-& salespersons, drivers
5192 Scales-installationor adjustment & salespersons, drivers-coin-operated type
5192 Traffic control arm unit-installation, service or repair-
5192 Vending or coinoperated machines-installation, service or repair &salespersons, drivers
5192 Video games-coin operated, installation, service or repair-
5192 Washing machines-coin operated, installation, service or repair-
5213 Caulking-withpressure gun
5213 Cleaning orrenovating building exteriors
5213 Concrete constructionNOC
5213 Concrete constructionNOC-fabricating, setting up or taking down forms
5213 Concreteconstruction-monolithic
5213 Concrete iglooconstruction-for explosives
5213 Concrete pre-castslab installation-roofs and floors
5213 Concrete pre-castwall panel installation
5213 Concrete privateresidences construction-monolithic
5213 Floorconstruction-concrete, self-bearing
5213 Grain elevatorconstruction-concrete
5213 Grouting: placing ofcement or plastic compound
5213 Guniting-notchimneys-all operations
5213 Pierconstruction-concrete
5213 Plastic armorapplication
5213 Satellite dishinstallation: applies to ground or roof-mounted installations:installation of concrete mounting pad
5213 Siloerection-concrete
5213 Siloerection-pre-cast concrete staves
5213 Waterproofing: spraygun, cement gun or other pressure apparatus
5213 Wrecking-notmarine-all operations-concrete or concrete encased
5215 Concreteconstruction-construction of private residences, fabricating,setting up or taking down forms
5215 Concrete privateresidences construction-not monolithic
5215 Concretework-incidental to the construction of private residence
5215 Military reservationconstruction-concrete-not monolithic
5221 Concrete igloo construction-floors-
5221 Concrete or cement work-floors, driveways, yards or sidewalks-
5221 Floor laying-mastic floor mix-
5221 Light prisms in sidewalks-installation-or repair-
5221 Monuments in cemeteries-erection only-
5221 Paving or repaving-floors, driveways, yards or sidewalks-
5221 Paving-wood block-interior-
5221 Sidewalk washingusing pressure spray gun
5222 Chimneycleaning-industrial smoke stacks
5222 Chimneyconstruction-not metal (commercial)
5222 Concrete constructionin connection with bridges or culverts
5222 Smokestack or chimneylining-not metal
5222 Tuck pointingperformed by contractor engaged in chimney work assigned to Code5222
5223 Swimming pool construction-not iron or steel-
5348 Floorlaying-tile-ceramic
5348 Marble or stonesetting-inside
5348 Marble tubs, sinks,counters-installation-separately rate plumbing
5348 Marble tubs, sinks,counters-plumbing-separately rate installation
5348 Mosaic, stone,terrazzo or tile work-inside
5348 Stone or marblesetting-inside
5348 Stone, mosaic,terrazzo or tile work-inside
5348 Terrazzo, mosaic,stone or tile work-inside
5348 Tile, stone, mosaicor terrazzo work-inside
5402 Greenhouseerection-all operations
5402 Hothouse erection-alloperations
5403 Aluminum sidinginstallation (all types except those eligible for Codes 5645 or5651)
5403 Bridgeconstruction-wood
5403 Carpentry NOC
5403 Carpentry-doorinstallation-pre-hung
5403 Clothes poleerection-wood
5403 Derrick or oil rigerecting or dismantling-all operations-wood
5403 Doorinstallation-pre-hung
5403 Grandstands orbleachers erection-portable-wood or metal
5403 Oil rig or derrickerecting or dismantling-wood-all operations
5403 Scaffolding: sidewalkbridges not over one story in height
5403 Sidinginstallation-aluminum or vinyl-all buildings or structures otherthan dwellings for one- or two-family or those less than threestories in height
5403 Silo erection-wood
5403 Steel frameerection-interior-by carpentry NOC-contractors
5403 Tank erection-wooden
5403 Vinyl sidinginstallation-all other than 5645 or 5651 type dwellings
5403 Wrecking-notmarine-all operations-wooden-including dwellings
5409 Ceilings-suspended or cemented-installation
5437 Bowling lanerefinishing
5437 Carpentry-doorinstallation-extensive finishing
5437 Carpentry-installation of cabinet work or interior trim
5437 Carpentry-installation of finished wooden flooring
5437 Floor laying-parquet
5437 Floor sanding orscraping-wood floors
5437 Kitchencabinets-installation
5437 Locks-installation innew buildings
5437 Moldinginstallation--interior
5437 Panelinginstallation-interior
5437 Sandingfloors-contract
5437 Stair building(wooden)-erection
5437 Weather strippinginstallation
5443 Lathing
5445 Partition system installation-stud-
5445 Sheet rock installation-within buildings-
5445 Steel frame erection-interior-by contractors engaged in wallboard installation-
5445 Wallboard installation-within buildings-
5462 Glazier-away from shop-
5472 Asbestos contractor-pipe and boiler work exclusively
5473 Asbestos contractor-NOC
5474 Aircraft painting
5474 Camouflage work-painting-
5474 Cleaning building interiors, machinery & equipment using spray apparatus-
5474 Painting murals on walls-artists-
5474 Painting of stripes on parking lots-
5474 Painting orpaperhanging NOC & shop operations, drivers
5474 Painting-aircraft
5474 Painting-electrostatic-shop and exterior operations-
5474 Tank cleaning-oil or gas storage: outside-
5474 Waterproofing: application by brush or hand caulking gun-
5474 Window tinting-brush or spray-on method-
5478 Carpet installation
5478 Carpet, linoleum,vinyl, asphalt, and rubber floor tile installation
5478 Floorcovering-installation of linoleum, asphalt or rubber tiling(ceramic tile installation to be separately rated)
5478 Floorlaying-linoleum, asphalt, rubber or composition tiling
5478 Linoleum installation
5478 Rubber tileinstallation
5478 Tileinstallation-non-ceramic
5479 Acoustical material installation
5479 Insulation work NOC
5480 Plastering NOC
5480 Waterproofing: interior-with trowel-
5491 Paperhanging
5491 Window tinting-plastic film exclusively-
5505 Paving or roadsurfacing or scraping NOC & yards, drivers (MO
5506 Airport construction-paving
5506 Airport runway construction-concrete or cement-
5506 Airport warming apron construction-concrete or cement-
5506 Artificial turf installation-surface preparation only-
5506 Asphalt laying on top of already constructed highway-
5506 Asphalt works -operated by road paving contractors at temporarylocation
5506 Asphalt-spraying roads with liquid asphalt-
5506 Highway guard rails-installation-
5506 Highway maintenance-
5506 Highway operations-toll roads-miscellaneous road maintenance-
5506 Oiling of roads in connection with spreading of sand-
5506 Painting of stripes on streets, roads or highways-
5506 Roads-oiling: delivery and spreading of oil in conjunction with spreading of sand or gravel by oil distributors-
5506 Street or road construction-paving or repaving
5507 Street or road construction-sub-surface work
5507 Stump removal operations-by specialist contractors
5508 Stone crushing-by road building contractors as part of road project-
5508 Street or road construction-rock excavation
5515 Street or roadconstruction  (MO)
5536 Heating and air conditioning duct work-shop & outside-
5538 Air conditioning-non-portable-sheet metal work
5538 Awning erection-metal-
5538 Awning manufacturing & erection of metal awnings-
5538 Butler bins-
5538 Clean air rooms-sheet metal-shop and installation-
5538 Decking-sheet metal, fabrication and installation-
5538 Duct work-shop and installation-
5538 Ducts-for heating and air conditioning systems-fiberglass or sheet metal, fabrication & installation-
5538 Furnace installation-hot air-
5538 Metal ceiling or wallcovering installation & shop, drivers
5538 Quonset structure construction-sheet metal-shop and installation-
5538 Sheet metal covered steel frame building construction-framework-appropriate iron or steel erection classification-
5538 Sheet metal covered steel frame building construction-sheet metal siding-
5538 Sheet metal decking-installation for sub-roofs or floors-
5538 Sheet metal work-shop and outside-NOC
5538 Silo erection-glass fused to steel-
5538 Silo erection-metal-
5538 Skylight installation
5538 Telephone booth-shop and installation-
5538 Wall covering ormetal ceiling installation & shop, drivers
5551 Roofing-all kinds
5551 Roofing-all kinds-&yard employees, drivers
5551 Roof-insulation-
5551 Roof-pressure washing-
5551 Roof-waterproofing-
5606 Contractor-executivesupervisor
5610 Cleaner-debrisremoval
5610 Cleaning railroadfreight cars-not tank
5610 Railroad car cleaning
5610 Timekeepers-construction or erection
5610 Watchguards-construction or erection
5645 Aluminum sidinginstallation-detached one- or two-family dwellings
5645 Aluminum storm doorsor windows installation
5645 Carpentry-detachedone- or two-family dwellings
5645 Doorinstallation-screened-metal or wood
5645 Jalousie or jalousiescreen erection-metal or glass
5645 Sidinginstallation-aluminum or vinyl-detached one- or two-familydwellings
5645 Steel frameerection-interior-by carpentry contractors for one- ortwo-family dwellings
5645 Storm doors or stormsash-installation-wood or metal
5645 Vinyl sidinginstallation-detached one- or two-family dwellings
5645 Window screen orscreen door installation-metal or wood separately rated
5651 Aluminum sidinginstallation-dwellings-three stories or less in height
5651 Carpentry-dwellings-three stories or less
5651 Military reservationconstruction-carpentry
5651 Sidinginstallation-aluminum or vinyl-dwellings-three stories or less
5651 Vinyl sidinginstallation-dwellings-three stories or less
5703 Building raising or moving
5703 Underpinning buildings or structures
5705 Salvage operation-nowrecking or any structural operations
5951 Anti-toxin, serum or virus 
5951 Serum, anti-toxin or virus 
5951 Virus, anti-toxin or serum 
6003 Breakwaterconstruction-consisting wholly of pile driving
6003 Bulkheadconstruction-consisting wholly of pile driving
6003 Floating boat dockconstruction
6003 Groyneconstruction-consisting wholly of pile driving
6003 Jettyconstruction-consisting wholly of pile driving
6003 Pile driving
6003 Seawallconstruction-consisting wholly of pile driving
6003 Timber wharfconstruction
6003 Wood bridgeconstruction-pile driving over water
6003 Wrecking-notmarine-all operations-piers or wharfs
6005 Breakwater or jetty construction-all operations to completion
6005 Dike or revetment construction
6005 Jetty or breakwater construction-all operations to completion
6005 Revetment or dike construction
6017 Dam or lockconstruction-concrete work-all operations
6018 Dam or lock construction-earthmoving or placing-all operations
6045 Levee construction-all operations to completion
6204 Core sample drilling-
6204 Drilling NOC
6204 Grouting: drilling of holes-
6204 Vibroflotation process-building foundations-
6204 Water well drilling-
6206 Oil or gas well acidizing-all employees
6206 Oil or gas well cementing
6206 Sandfracturing in connection with oil well work-
6213 Oil or gas well-specialty tool operation NOC-by contractor-all employees
6213 Pipe testing-destructive, oil or gas pipes not under construction-
6214 Oil or gas well-perforating of casing-all employees
6216 Gas or oil lease work NOC-natural gas-by contractor-
6216 Oil or gas lease work NOC-by contractor-
6216 Oil or gas well-dirt construction operator-
6216 Oil or gas well-oil treating service-
6216 Oil or gas well-roustabout service-
6216 Oil or gas well-tank cleaning service-
6217 Airport construction-grading
6217 Blasting rock-specialist contractors-
6217 Electric, telephone or alarm line-clearing brush or stumps from existing right-of-way-
6217 Excavation
6217 Grading of land NOC
6217 Rock excavation
6217 Sanitary landfill-
6217 Tree removal operations-limited number from developed sites-
6217 Waterproofing: excavation work necessary or incidental thereto-
6229 Drainage or irrigation system construction
6229 Irrigation or drainage system construction
6229 Septic tank installation by specialist contractors-
6229 Sprinkler installation-irrigation-
6233 Oil or gas pipeline construction
6233 Pipeline reclamation-oil or gas-
6235 Drilling orredrilling of oil or gas wells and installation of casingdrivers
6235 Fire flooding-drilling in connection with oil or gas well-
6235 Oil or gas well drilling or redrilling
6235 Oil or gas well-shooting
6235 Thermal flooding-drilling in connection with oil or gas well-
6235 Water flooding-drilling in connection with oil or gas well-
6236 Oil or gas well-installation or recovery of casings
6237 Oil analyzing at oil well site in trailers away from well-
6237 Oil or gas well-instrument logging or survey work-
6251 Tunneling-notpneumatic-all operations
6252 Caisson work-alloperations to completion
6252 Cofferdam work-notpneumatic-all operations to completion
6252 Missiles-constructunderground launch pad
6252 Shaft sinking-alloperations
6260 Tunneling-pneumatic-all operations
6306 Sewer construction-all operations
6319 Gas main or connection construction
6319 Steam mains or connections construction
6319 Water main or connection construction
6325 Cable laying-byspecialist contractors employing automatic equipment which, inone operation, opens the trench, lays the cable and backfills-
6325 Cable TV-cable installation-plow-in method-
6325 Conduit construction-for cables or wires-
6325 Railroad switch and road crossing signals installation-
6325 Traffic signal installation-
6400 Fence erection-metal
6400 Mobile home windstormtie-down installation-by specialist contractor
6504 Baking powder
6504 Beverage powders-drymix, blend, package
6504 Catsup
6504 Coconut shredding ordrying
6504 Coffee cleaning,roasting or grinding
6504 Dairy products-imitation
6504 Dehydrating coffee ortea
6504 Dehydrating eggs
6504 Dog food-packaged-dry pelleted
6504 Flour mixing andblending-no milling
6504 Food sundries NOC-no cereal milling
6504 Gelatin : refinedfood product
6504 Ketchup
6504 Malted milk  frompowdered milk, sugar, malt, cocoa
6504 Mayonnaise
6504 Melba toast -nobaking of bread
6504 Mustard
6504 Nut cleaning orshelling
6504 Peanut butter
6504 Pizza crust -not baked
6504 Popcorn
6504 Potato chip
6504 Roasting of nuts
6504 Salad dressing
6504 Sandwichpreparation-not sold directly to consumer
6504 Spice mills
6504 Yeast
6702 Railroadconstruction-all operations including clerical salespersons -Program I
6703 Railroadconstruction-all operations including clerical salespersons -Program II-State Act
6704 Railroadconstruction-all operations including clerical salespersons -Program II-USL Act
6801 Boatbuilding-wood-NOC-U.S. Act -U.S. Act
6801 Dry dockconstruction-floating--State Act
6811 Boatbuilding-wood-NOC-State Act
6824 Boatbuilding orrepair -coverage under the Longshore Act
6824 Motorboat-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-U.S. Act-
6824 Personal watercraft-building or repair-U.S. Act-
6824 Rowboat-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-U.S. Act-
6824 Sailboat-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-U.S. Act-
6824 Yachts-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-U.S. Act-
6825 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel--U.S. Act (MO)
6826 Marina -coverage under Longshore Act
6834 Boatbuilding orrepair -coverage under the State Act
6834 Canoe building
6834 Motorboat-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-State Act-
6834 Personal watercraft-building or repair-State Act-
6834 Rowboat-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-State Act-
6834 Sailboat-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-State Act-
6834 Yachts-not exceeding 150 feet in length-building or repair-State Act-
6835 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel--State Act (MO)
6836 Marina -coverage under State Act
6843 Barge building-iron or steel-U.S. Act-
6843 Dry dock building-floating-iron or steel-U.S. Act-
6843 Launch (ship) building-iron or steel-U.S. Act-
6843 Oil drilling platformbuilding-floating-iron or steel-U.S. Act
6843 Scow building-iron or steel-U.S. Act-
6843 Ship keels-laying-U.S. Act-
6843 Shipbuilding-iron orsteel-NOC : all except boilermaking, foundry & machineshop employees
6843 Tugboat building-iron or steel-U.S. Act-
6845 Shipbuilding-naval
6854 Barge building-iron or steel-State Act-
6854 Dry dock building-floating-iron or steel-State Act-
6854 Launch (ship) building-iron or steel-State Act-
6854 Lighter (ship) building-iron or steel-State Act-
6854 Oil drilling platformbuilding-floating-iron or steel-State Act
6854 Scow building-iron or steel-State Act-
6854 Ship keels-laying-State Act-
6854 Tugboat building-iron or steel-State Act-
6872 Marine railway operation
6872 Ship cleaning-all operations-
6872 Ship repair or conversion-all operations
6874 Painting-ship hulls
6874 Ship scaling
6882 Marine railway operation
6882 Ship repair or conversion-all operations
6884 Painting-ship hulls
7016 Boat testing-newlyconstructed vessels-Program I
7016 Ferries-Program I
7016 Fishingvessels-NOC-Program I
7016 Gambling vessels-15tons or greater-Program I
7016 Hovercrafts-operatedover water-Program I
7016 Hydrofoils-operatedover water-Program I
7016 Oyster boats-ProgramI
7016 Pilots who guidevessels-Program I
7016 Supply boats-ProgramI
7016 Tugboats-Program I
7016 Vessels-NOC-Program I
7016 Weed clearing byvessel-Program I
7024 Boat testing-newlyconstructed vessels-Program II-State Act
7024 Ferries-ProgramII-State Act
7024 Fishingvessels-NOC-Program II-State Act
7024 Gambling vessels-15tons or greater-Program II-State Act
7024 Hovercrafts-operatedover water-Program II-State Act
7024 Hydrofoils-operatedover water-Program II-State Act
7024 Oyster boats-ProgramII-State Act
7024 Pilots who guidevessels-Program II-State Act
7024 Supply boats-ProgramII-State Act
7024 Tugboats-ProgramII-State Act
7024 Vessels-NOC-ProgramII-State Act
7024 Weed clearing byvessel-Program II-State Act
7038 Boat livery-boatsunder 15 tons-Program I
7038 Chartered fishingboat-less than 15 tons-Program I
7038 Drift fishingboat-less than 15 tons-Program I
7038 Gambling vessels-lessthan 15 tons-Program I
7038 Glass bottomboat-tourist attraction-Program I
7038 Harbor tour boat-lessthan 15 tons-Program I
7038 Pilot boats-Program I
7038 Riverboat gamblingvessel-less than 15 tons-Program I
7038 Sightseeing boat-lessthan 15 tons-Program I
7038 Vessels-sail-ProgramI
7038 White water raftingtrips-Program I
7038 Yachts-private-sailor power-Program I
7046 Vessels-notself-propelled-Program I
7047 Boat testing-newlyconstructed vessels-Program II-USL Act
7047 Ferries-ProgramII-USL Act
7047 Fishingvessels-NOC-Program II-USL Act
7047 Gambling vessels-15tons or greater-Program II-USL Act
7047 Hovercrafts-operatedover water-Program II-USL Act
7047 Hydrofoils-operatedover water-Program II-USL Act
7047 Oyster boats-ProgramII-USL Act
7047 Pilots who guidevessels-Program II-USL Act
7047 Supply boats-ProgramII-USL Act
7047 Tugboats-ProgramII-USL Act
7047 Vessels-NOC-ProgramII-USL Act
7047 Weed clearing byvessel-Program II-USL Act
7050 Boat livery-boatsunder 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Chartered fishingboat-less than 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Drift fishingboat-less than 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Gambling vessels-lessthan 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Glass bottomboat-tourist attraction-Program II-USL Act
7050 Harbor tour boat-lessthan 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Pilot boats-ProgramII-USL Act
7050 Riverboat gamblingvessel-less than 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Sightseeing boat-lessthan 15 tons-Program II-USL Act
7050 Vessels-sail-ProgramII-USL Act
7050 White water raftingtrips-Program II-USL Act
7050 Yachts-private-sailor power-Program II-USL Act
7090 Boat livery-boatsunder 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Chartered fishingboat-less than 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Drift fishingboat-less than 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Gambling vessels-lessthan 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Glass bottomboat-tourist attraction-Program II-State Act
7090 Harbor tour boat-lessthan 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Pilot boats-ProgramII-State Act
7090 Riverboat gamblingvessel-less than 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Sightseeing boat-lessthan 15 tons-Program II-State Act
7090 Vessels-sail-ProgramII-State Act
7090 White water raftingtrips-Program II-State Act
7090 Yachts-private-sailor power-Program II-State Act
7098 Vessels-notself-propelled-Program II-State Act
7099 Vessels-notself-propelled-Program II-USL Act
7133 Intrastate railroad operation-all employees
7133 Railroad operation NOC: all employees
7133 Subway operation-allemployees and drivers
7151 Interstaterailroads-all employees and drivers-Program I
7151 Railroadoperation-all employees including clerical-Program I
7152 Interstaterailroads-all employees and drivers-Program II-USL Act
7152 Railroadoperation-all employees including clerical-Program II-USL Act
7153 Interstaterailroads-all employees and drivers-Program II-State Act
7153 Railroadoperation-all employees including clerical-Program II-State Act
7207 Riding academy orclub  (MO, NJ)
7219 Auto rental orleasing co.-drivers of trucks NOC or other commercial
7222 Hauling & stringing of oil or gas pipe lines-
7222 Trucking-oil field equipment-all employees
7228 Automobile haulaway or driveaway-local hauling only-
7228 Automobile repossession operations-local hauling only-
7228 Automobile towing company-local hauling only-no other operations
7228 Concrete ready mix operations-materials not owned by the insured-local hauling only-
7228 Mobile home delivery-by specialist contractor-delivery only-local hauling only-
7228 Scaffolding: deliveryof materials only-local hauling only-no installation, repair orremoval
7228 Trucking-hauling explosives or ammunition-local hauling only-all employees
7228 Trucking-local hauling only-all employees
7229 Automobile haulaway or driveaway-long distance hauling-
7229 Automobile repossession operations-long distance hauling-
7229 Automobile towing company-long distance hauling-no other operations
7229 Concrete ready mix operations-materials not owned by the insured-long distance hauling-
7229 Mobile home delivery-by specialist contractor-delivery only-long distance hauling-
7229 Scaffolding: deliveryof materials only-long distance hauling-no installation, repairor removal
7229 Trucking-hauling explosives or ammunition-long distance hauling-all employees
7229 Trucking-long distance hauling only-all employees
7230 Trucking-parcel or package delivery-all employees
7231 Trucking-mail, parcel or package delivery-all employees
7232 Trucking-mail, parcel or package delivery-under contract with the U.S. Postal Service-all employees
7250 Trucking-haulingexplosives or ammunition-all employees  (AZ, MO)
7309 Stevedoring NOC
7313 Coal dock operation &stevedoring
7313 Ore dock operation &stevedoring
7317 Automobile haulawayor driveaway-driving cars on or off vessels
7317 Stevedoring-by handor hand trucks exclusively
7327 Stevedoring-containerized freight
7333 Dredging-alltypes-Program I
7335 Dredging-alltypes-Program II-State Act
7337 Dredging-alltypes-Program II-USL Act
7350 Freight handlingNOC-coverage under Longshore Act
7350 Freighthandling-explosives or ammunition-under contract-coverage underLongshore Act
7350 Stevedoring-freighthandling NOC-coverage under Longshore Act
7360 Aircraft orautomobile-preparing and crating for shipment
7360 Freight cars-icing
7360 Freight handlingNOC-coverage under State Act
7360 Freighthandling-explosives or ammunition-under contract-coverage underState Act
7360 Icing refrigeratorcars
7360 Refrigeration carloading or unloading
7360 Refrigerationcars-icing or re-icing
7360 Stevedoring-freighthandling NOC-coverage under State Act
7370 Ambulance servicecompanies -all other than garage employees
7370 Limousinecompany-non-scheduled -all other than garage employees
7370 Taxicab company--all other than garage employees
7380 Advertising material distribution-mobile & door to door-
7380 Banks and trustcompanies: armored car crews  (bank employees-notcontractors)
7380 Bookmobile drivers
7380 Chauffeurs & helpers NOC-commercial-
7380 Delivery of goods using bicycles-
7380 Distributingcompanies-if employees transported to location in cars ortrucks- (samples, advertising circulars telephone directories, etc.)
7380 Drivers, chauffeursand their helpers NOC-commercial
7380 Food vendors-mobile-
7380 Geophysical exploration NOC-all employees
7380 Highway operations-toll roads-receipts collectors, traveling-
7380 Ice cream vendors-mobile-
7380 Sample distributors-transported by car or truck-
7380 School bus driver employed by school district-
7380 U.S.O. activities-mobile units-
7382 Bus companies -all employees other than garage employees
7382 Limousine company-scheduled-all other than garage employees-
7382 Pilot car service--"wide load, etc."
7382 Railroadoperation-street--all other than yard employees
7382 School bus driver employed by independent bus company-
7382 Street railroads-
7382 Trackless trolley operators-
7390 Ale or beer dealer-wholesale
7390 Beer or ale dealer-wholesale-
7394 Demolitionoperations-underwater-Program I
7394 Diving-marine-ProgramI
7394 Oil Spills-cleaningon navigable waters-Program I
7394 Scuba divers innavigable water-Program I
7394 Skin divers innavigable water-Program I
7394 Wrecking-marine &salvage operations-Program I
7395 Demolitionoperations-underwater-Program II-State Act
7395 Diving-marine-ProgramII-State Act
7395 Oil Spills-cleaningon navigable waters-Program II-State Act
7395 Scuba divers innavigable water-Program II-State Act
7395 Skin divers innavigable water-Program II-State Act
7395 Wrecking-marine &salvage operations-Program II-State Act
7398 Demolitionoperations-underwater-Program II-USL Act
7398 Diving-marine-ProgramII-USL Act
7398 Oil Spills-cleaningon navigable waters-Program II-USL Act
7398 Scuba divers innavigable water-Program II-USL Act
7398 Skin divers innavigable water-Program II-USL Act
7398 Wrecking-marine &salvage operations-Program II-USL Act
7403 Aircraft orhelicopter air carrier-scheduled or supplemental-. Allother than flying crew
7405 Aircraft orhelicopter air carrier-scheduled or supplemental-flying crew
7409 Aircraft orhelicopter aerial application, seeding, herding orscintillometer surveying-flying crew
7409 Insectcontrol-spraying from aircraft
7409 Weed control-sprayingfrom aircraft
7418 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: patrol, photography mapping or surveywork: flying crew (AK, MO)
7420 Aircraft orhelicopter aerial forest fire fighting-flying crew
7420 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: parachute jumping for publicexhibition-flying crew
7420 Aircraft orhelicopter: public exhibition involving stunt flying racing orparachute jumping-flying crew
7421 Aircraft orhelicopter: transportation of personnel in conduct of employer'sbusiness-flying crew
7422 Aircraftoperation-fixed wing NOC-flying crew
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter air ambulance
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter flight testing by manufacturer-manufactured under anapproved type certificate-flying crew
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: aerial advertising, flying crew
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: aerial photography, flying crew
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: parachute jumping conducted by licensedskydiving schools
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter: patrol, photography-mapping or survey work-flyingcrew
7422 Aircraft orhelicopter: sales or service agency-flying crew
7422 Balloonist-hot air
7422 Mapping or surveywork-aerial-photography-flying crew
7422 School-pilottraining-flying instructors
7423 Aircraftoperation-fixed wing NOC-. All other than flying crew
7423 Aircraftoperation-helicopters NOC-. All other than flying crew
7423 Aircraft orhelicopter aerial application, seeding, herding orscintillometer surveying-. All employees other thanflying crew
7423 Aircraft orhelicopter air carrier-commuter-. All other than flyingcrew
7423 Aircraft or helicopter operation: air carrier-commuter: all other employees
7423 Aircraft or helicopter: patrol, photography-mapping or survey work. All other employees
7423 Aircraft orhelicopter: public exhibition involving stunt flying racing orparachute jumping . All employees other than flyingcrew
7423 Aircraft orhelicopter: sales or service agency . All other thanflying crew
7423 Aircraft or helicopter: transportation of personnel in conduct of employer's business-ground crew personnel-
7423 Airport or heliport operator-
7425 Aircraftoperation-helicopters NOC-flying crew
7425 Aircraftoperation-helicopters-sky crane work-flying crew
7425 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: aerial logging operations flying crew
7425 Aircraft orhelicopter operation: sky crane operations, flying crew
7431 Aircraft orhelicopter air carrier-commuter-flying crew
7502 Gas company-natural-local distribution
7502 Gas distributing-l.p.g..-local
7502 Gas works
7515 Fuel storage-underground-
7515 Oil or gas pipeline operation
7520 Fireplug-installation, repair and maintenance
7520 Waterworks operation
7538 Electric light orpower line clearing of new right-of-ways by line contractor- (clearing of right-of-way performed by contractors alsoengaged in telephone telegraph or alarm line construction shall be assigned to Code7601)
7538 Electric light or power line construction
7538 Floodlighting ofstadiums, parks, etc.-drivers
7539 Electric light or power co. NOC-all employees
7539 Steam heating or power co.-all employees
7540 Electric light or power cooperative-REA project only-all employees
7580 Sewage disposal plant operation
7590 Garbage works
7600 Cable TV-extension ofservice into homes
7600 Cable TV-service orrepair of existing cables
7600 Telephone ortelegraph co.: all employees except office exchange or clerical
7601 Cable TV-stringing of cable on existing utility poles-
7601 Fire alarm, telephone or telegraph line construction
7601 Telephone, telegraph or fire alarm line construction
7605 Audio or intercommunication system installation-within buildings-
7605 Burglar alarm installation or repair
7605 Fire alarm installation or repair-
7605 Intercommunication systems installation or repair
7605 Sound systems installation or repair-
7605 Telephone installation-by specialist contractor, not telephone company-
7610 Motion pictureproduction: all operations up to the development of negatives &clerical, drivers
7610 Radio or televisionbroadcasting station-all employees & clerical, drivers
7610 Radio or television broadcasting station-field announcers-
7610 Television or radiobroadcasting station-all employees & clerical, drivers
7610 Television or radio broadcasting station-field announcers-
7611 Cable TV or telephoneline installation-contractors, underground and drivers
7611 Telephone or cable TVline installation-contractors, underground and drivers
7612 Antennaeinstallation-microwave, on towers
7612 Cable TV or telephoneline installation-contractors, overhead and drivers
7612 Telephone or cable TVline installation-contractors, overhead and drivers
7613 Cable TV or telephoneline installation-contractors, service lines and connection anddrivers
7613 Telephone or cable TVline installation-contractors, service lines and connection anddrivers
7704 Fire patrol or protective corps
7704 Firefighters
7704 Forest firefighting-
7720 Airport security screening of passengers by contractor-
7720 Armored car service company-
7720 Bank and trust company contractors-not employees of banks or trust companies-including contracted services such as guards, patrols, messengers, armored car crews-
7720 Correction department employees-
7720 Detective or patrol agency
7720 Forest rangers-
7720 Game and fish wardens-
7720 Highway operations-toll roads-police officers-
7720 Highway patrol-state highway commission-
7720 Hunting and fishing guides-
7720 Jail employees-
7720 Meter readers-parking
7720 National guard units-
7720 Patrol or detective agency
7720 Penitentiary employees-
7720 Plant protection-special employees hired for plant protection during strike periods-
7720 Police officers
7720 Probation officers-
7720 Rangers-forest-
7720 Security enforcement or protection-contract
7720 Security screening-contract-
7720 Sheriffs-
7720 Truck weighing station inspectors-permanent location
7855 Railroad construction: laying of tracks or maintenance by contractors-
8001 Florist-store-
8001 Plantscaping
8001 Store: florist
8002 Automobile rentalcompany . all other than garage employees
8002 Truck rental -all employees other than garage employees
8006 Coffee, tea orgrocery dealer-retail
8006 Gasolinestation-self-service and convenience/grocery-retail
8006 Grocery(convenience)-retail and gasoline station-self-service
8006 Grocery, tea orcoffee dealer-retail
8006 Household furnishingsor wearing apparel dealer-retail
8006 Store: coffee, tea orspice-retail
8006 Store: dairyproducts-retail
8006 Store:delicatessen-retail
8006 Store: frozen orfrosted food-retail
8006 Store: fruit orvegetable-retail
8006 Store: grocery-retail
8006 Store: vegetable orfruit-retail
8006 Tea, coffee orgrocery dealer-retail
8006 Wearing apparel orhousehold furnishings dealer-retail
8008 Concessions-hat orcoat checkrooms
8008 Sewing accessoriesstore
8008 Store: clothing,wearing apparel or dry goods-retail
8008 Store: drygoods-retail
8008 Store: sewingaccessories-retail
8008 Store: shoe-retail
8010 Agriculturalimplement stores-not farm machinery
8010 Air conditioningparts store
8010 Bicycles-retail saleor rental-including repair
8010 Cutlery parts store
8010 Electrical hardwarestores-wholesale or retail
8010 Locksmith-includingshop
8010 Oil burner and oilburner parts store
8010 Radio or televisionparts and accessories stores
8010 Refrigerator partsstore
8010 Rental-hand-heldmachinery or equipment NOC
8010 Sewing machine headsand parts store
8010 Store: agriculturalimplement-not farm machinery
8010 Store:bicycles-retail sale or rental-including repair
8010 Store: electricalhardware-wholesale or retail
8010 Store: hardware
8010 Store: radio ortelevision parts and accessories
8010 Store: ship chandler
8013 Coin dealer
8013 Diamond cutting orpolishing
8013 Hearing aid stores
8013 Ophthalmologist-dispensing of optical goods
8013 Opticalstores-(surface grinding of lens to be separately rated as 4150)
8013 Optometrist
8013 Precious metal dealer
8013 Precious stonesetting
8013 Stamp dealer
8013 Store: jewelry-retailor wholesale
8013 Sunglasses store
8015 Quickprinting-copying or duplication service-all employees &clerical, salespersons, drivers
8017 Auctioneers
8017 Bakeries-retail storesales
8017 Beer and aledealers-retail
8017 Camera or photographsupplies stores-retail
8017 Carpet, rug, linoleumstore-retail
8017 Concessions-beachchairs and umbrellas
8017 Concessions-cigaretteor cigar
8017 Concessions-doorattendants
8017 Concessions-parcel orluggage checkrooms
8017 Concessions-rollingchairs
8017 Concessions-washroomattendants
8017 Demonstrators inretail stores
8017 Dental supplydealers-retail
8017 Distributingcompanies-if no transportation or governing classification
8017 Floorcoverings-retail-carpets, rugs, linoleum
8017 Hat cleaning
8017 Laundry-self-service
8017 Liquor or winestore-retail
8017 Luggage stores-retail
8017 News butchers
8017 Paint stores-retail
8017 Pawn shops
8017 Penny arcades
8017 Pet shops-retail
8017 Pharmaceutical orsurgical supply stores-primarily serving walk-in trade
8017 Radio or televisionstores
8017 Recreational oramusement devices: penny arcades-operation
8017 Recreational oramusement devices: skee ball alley operation
8017 Shoe repair store
8017 Shoe shiningestablishment
8017 Shoppers-checkingattentiveness, personality & honesty of store clerks
8017 Skee ball alleyoperation
8017 Ski shop employees atwinter resorts
8017 Sporting goods-retail
8017 Store: retail-NOC
8017 Tailor shop
8017 Television or radiostores
8017 Tobacco store-retail
8017 Wallpaper or paintstores-retail
8018 Appliance (minor)store-wholesale-incidental sale of major appliances
8018 Barber or beautyparlor supply houses
8018 Beauty supplysales-wholesale
8018 Bookstore-wholesale
8018 Carpet, rug, linoleumstore-wholesale
8018 Charcoaldealers-wholesale-packaged
8018 Dry icedealers-wholesale
8018 Eggbreaking-including canning & freezing
8018 Egg dealers-includinggrading, candling, packing-wholesale
8018 Floorcoverings-wholesale-carpets, rugs, linoleum
8018 Liquor or winestore-wholesale
8018 Mill supply dealers
8018 Packaging-contract
8018 Paintstores-wholesale
8018 Rubber tiredealer-wholesale, no installation
8018 Sausage casing-wholesale-no cleaning other than washing
8018 Sawdust dealers
8018 Soft drinkdistributors-wholesale-no bottling
8018 Store: fruit orvegetable-wholesale
8018 Store:grocery-wholesale
8018 Store: vegetable orfruit-wholesale
8018 Store: wholesale NOC
8018 Tobaccostore-wholesale
8018 Wallpaper or paintstores-wholesale
8018 Welding supplydealers
8021 Poultrydealers-wholesale-including dressing
8021 Store: fish, meat orpoultry dealer-wholesale
8021 Store: meat, fish orpoultry dealer-wholesale
8031 Cold storagelocker-frozen foods
8031 Store: fish, meat orpoultry dealer-retail
8031 Store: meat, fish orpoultry-retail
8032 Cloth sponging,shrinking, inspection or mending
8032 Clothing-mail ordersales, wholesale or retail
8032 Store: clothing,wearing apparel or dry goods-wholesale
8032 Store: drygoods-wholesale
8032 Store: sewingaccessories-wholesale
8032 Store: shoe-wholesale
8033 Store: meat, groceryand provision (combined)-retail NOC (supermarket type)
8033 Store: supermarket
8034 Store:grocery-wholesale (AZ, MA, MO, NJ, OK)
8039 Store:department-retail
8044 Appliance (major) store-wholesale-incidental sale of minor appliances-
8044 Furniture rental-chairs, coat racks, dishes, etc.-
8044 Hot tub or spa dealer-
8044 Piano or organ dealer-
8044 Piano stores-
8044 Refrigerator, stove or washing machine stores-
8044 Spa or hot tub dealer-
8044 Store: furniture
8045 Store: drug-retail
8046 Aircraft parts andaccessories store
8046 Automobile accessory store retail-NOC
8046 Automotivereplacement parts distributors-wholesale
8046 Store: automobile accessories-retail NOC
8046 Store: automotivereplacement parts distributors-wholesale
8047 Store: drug-wholesale
8050 Store: five and tencent
8058 Building materialdealer-store employees
8058 Home improvementcenter-store employees
8058 Lumberyard-storeemployees
8061 Store: groceryconvenience-retail (FL, GA, MO, TN)
8072 Bookstore-retail
8072 Store: book, record,compact disc, software, video or audio cassette retail
8102 Agronomists-researchand development of new seeds
8102 Bean sorting orhandling
8102 Crop inspection forfarms
8102 Hybrid seed plantoperation
8102 Peanut handling
8102 Popcorn dealers
8102 Seed merchant
8102 Seed sprouting
8102 Soil inspection forfarms
8103 Clippings dealer
8103 Cotton merchant
8103 Cotton storage
8103 Feathers-washing,steaming, cleaning and renovating
8103 Wiping cloth dealerand laundry operations
8103 Wool merchant
8105 Store: hide orleather dealer
8105 Store: leather orhide dealer
8106 Concrete: reinforcingrod or bar dealer and drivers
8106 Iron or steel merchant
8106 Metal service centers (not junk or scrap dealers)-
8106 Oil well drilling rigs-warehousing and sale-
8106 Steel or iron merchant
8107 Contractors' equipment rental-without operator-
8107 Contractors' machinery dealer
8107 Crane dealer-
8107 Crane rental without operator-
8107 Logging equipment dealer-
8107 Machinery dealer NOC-store or yard-
8107 Mud dealers-oil welldrivers
8107 Oil or gas well-supplies or equipment dealer-new-store or yard only-
8107 Rental-heavy equipment-
8111 Gas, steam and hot water apparatus-supplies, dealers-
8111 Plumbers' supplies dealer
8116 Farm machinery dealer-all operations
8116 Farm machinery-leasing or renting without operators-
8203 Ice dealer
8203 Ice harvesting &storing, drivers
8203 Ice -cube or crushed-
8204 Building materialyards-used-all employees, local managers, drivers
8204 Oil or gaswell-supplies or equipment dealer-used-& local managers, drivers
8209 Vegetable packing
8215 Feed, hay or graindealer & local managers, drivers
8215 Grain, feed or haydealer & local managers, drivers
8215 Hay, grain or feeddealer & local managers, drivers
8227 Construction orerection permanent yard
8232 Building materialdealer-yard, warehouse -all other than store employees
8232 Cinder dealers-
8232 Concrete-dry mixing & bagging-no
8232 Fuel and materialdealer NOC-no secondhand building materials or lumber-& localmanagers, drivers
8232 Home improvementcenter--all other than store employees
8232 Lumberyard-warehouse-all other than store employees
8232 Shingle staining-
8232 Wood dealers-kindling and firewood
8233 Coal merchant & localmanagers, drivers
8235 Cabinet dealer-kitchen-
8235 Flooring dealer-hardwood-
8235 Paneling dealer-
8235 Plywood dealers-
8235 Sash, door or assembled millwork dealer
8263 Junk dealer
8264 Bottle dealer-used-
8264 Bottle recycling-beverage-
8264 Can recycling-beverage-
8264 Container recycling-beverage-bottle or can
8264 Paper stock or rag dealer-used-
8264 Rag or paper stock dealer-used-
8264 Recycling dealer-cans or bottles-
8264 Rubber stock dealer-used-
8265 Iron or steel scrap dealer
8265 Metal shredding plant-
8265 Steel or iron scrap dealer
8279 Breeding farm or stable
8279 Club hunting-no shooting
8279 Clubs-riding
8279 Dog show-kennel employees
8279 Horse show-stable employees-
8279 Jockeys-horse
8279 Livery or boarding stable-not sales stable-
8279 Racetrack operation-horse or dog: stable hands or kennel employees-
8279 Riding academy or club
8279 Stable or breeding farm
8288 Cattle dealer &salespersons, drivers
8288 Feed lots-cattle-notoperating farms or ranches, or butchering or packing houseoperations-& salespersons, drivers
8288 Feedlot operation-commercial-
8288 Livestock dealer orcommission merchant & salespersons, drivers
8288 Livestock sales co. &salespersons, drivers
8288 Sales stable &salespersons, drivers
8288 Stockyard &salespersons, drivers
8291 Storagewarehouse-cold
8291 Warehousing-coldstorage
8292 Cement (dry) storagewarehouse
8292 Coffee storagewarehouse
8292 Food products(nonperishable) storage warehouse
8292 Peanut storagewarehouse
8292 Potato storagewarehouse
8292 Rice storagewarehouse
8292 Storage warehouse NOC
8292 Warehousing NOC
8293 Furniture moving &storage, drivers
8293 Furniture packers-not moving or storage company-
8293 Storage warehouse-furniture
8293 Warehousing-furniture-
8304 Grain elevatoroperation & local managers, drivers
8350 Alcoholdealers-bulk-including drivers
8350 Anhydrous ammonia-sale and distribution
8350 Bottle gas dealer-
8350 Gas dealer-l.p.g.
8350 Gasoline or oil dealer
8350 Oil or gasoline dealer
8350 Oiling of roads by oil distributors-
8350 Roads-oiling: delivery and spreading of oil on roads by oil distributors-
8350 Solvents dealers-bulk-
8353 Gas dealer-l.p.g. &salespersons, drivers (AL, AZ, FL, GA, LA, MS, MO, OK)
8370 Trucking: mechanicsand garage employees (MO, NM, SD)
8380 Air conditioning-automobile-installation, service or repair
8380 Automobile brake repair-
8380 Automobile car wash
8380 Automobile glass installation-
8380 Automobile inspection stations-
8380 Automobile leasingcompany-long-term-all other employees and drivers
8380 Automobile muffler repair-
8380 Automobile radiator repair-no -
8380 Automobile sales agency
8380 Automobile sales orservice agency & parts department employees, drivers
8380 Automobile service or repair center
8380 Automobile window tinting-
8380 Brake service or repair-
8380 Engine repair-marine-away from water-
8380 Gasolinestation-retail- NOC
8380 Mobile homedelivery-by specialist contractor-including placement, hook-upof plumbing, electrical and incidental installation activities-
8380 Mobile home repair-on-site; assign to appropriate classification for dwelling repair-
8380 Mobile home repair-shop-by dealer or specialist contractor-
8380 Mobile home sales-all employees other than salespersons-
8380 Mobile home windstorm tie-down installation-by dealer-
8380 Muffler installation or repair-
8380 Race car team-. Separately rate race car drivers as Code 9180
8380 Rubber tire dealer-retail-
8380 Rubber tire recapping or retreading-
8380 Storage battery service station
8380 Taximeters-installation or repair-
8380 Truck leasingcompany-long-term--all employees other thansalespersons
8381 Gasolinestation-self-service only-retail
8385 Ambulance servicecompanies-garage employees
8385 Automobile rentalcompany: garage employees
8385 Bus companies-garageemployees
8385 Limousinecompany-garage employees
8385 Railroadoperation-street-yard employees
8385 Streetrailroads-garage employees
8385 Taxicabcompany-garage employees
8385 Tracklesstrolley-garage employees
8385 Truck rental-garageemployees
8387 Automobile servicestation  (HI, LA, MO, NC, NJ, OK, RI, WI)
8388 Rubber tiredealers-wholesale or retail, or combined wholesale andretail-including inside salespersons, estimators, servicewriters, customer service representatives and cashiers; repairing and adjusting tires away from thepremises; and accessories
8391 Automobile repairshop & parts department employees drivers (LA, MO, OK, RI, WI)
8392 Automobile parking lot
8392 Automobile storage garage or parking station
8392 Concessions-parking lots
8393 Automobile bodyrepair
8393 Automobile sunroofinstallation
8393 Van conversionoperation
8500 Metal scrap dealer
8601 Airconditioning-non-portable-air flow balancing & testing
8601 Architect orengineer-consulting
8601 Energy conservationconsultants
8601 Engineer orarchitect-consulting
8601 Log scaling
8601 Oil or gas geologistor scout
8601 Surveyor
8601 Timber buyers andcruisers
8606 Geophysical exploration-seismic-all employees
8709 Grain samplingoperation
8709 Inspectors ofmerchandise on vessels or docks-coverage under Longshore Act
8709 Steamship line oragency-port employees: talliers, checking clerks and repackingof damaged containers-coverage under Longshore Act
8709 Stevedoring: talliersand checking clerks engaged in connection with stevedorework-coverage under U.S. Act
8709 Weighers, samplers orinspectors of merchandise on vessels or docks or at railwaystations or warehouses-coverage under U.S. Act
8719 Inspectors ofmerchandise on vessels or docks-coverage under State Act
8719 Steamship line oragency-port employees: talliers, checking clerks and repackingof damaged containers-coverage under State Act
8719 Stevedoring: talliersand checking clerks engaged in connection with stevedorework-coverage under State Act
8719 Weighers, samplers orinspectors of merchandise on vessels or docks or at railwaystations or warehouses-coverage under State Act
8720 Boiler inspection
8720 Elevator inspecting
8720 Inspection of risksfor insurance or valuation purposes NOC
8720 Marine appraiser orsurveyor
8720 Pipe testing orinspection-non-destructive-other than radiographic or X-rayprocesses
8720 Racetrackoperation-horse or dog: racing officials other than starters orassistants
8721 Real estate appraisalcompany-outside employees
8726 Steamship line oragency-port employees: superintendents, captains, engineers,stewards or their assistants, pay clerks
8734 Salespersons,collectors or messengers outside-Program II-State Act
8737 Salespersons,collectors or messengers outside-Program I
8738 Salespersons,collectors or messengers outside-Program II-USL Act
8742 Advertisingsolicitors
8742 Banks and trustcompanies: special officers and armed or unarmed attendants,ushers, door attendants, appraisers, field auditors, runners or messengers
8742 Boy and girl scoutcouncils-executive secretaries-office and travel
8742 Claim adjusters orspecial agents-insurance co.
8742 Collectors,messengers or salespersons-outside
8742 Cotton classifiers
8742 Fund-raisingcampaigns
8742 Marketresearch-interviewing consumers in field
8742 Messengers,collectors or salespersons-outside
8742 Meter reader forutility co.-independent contractor (not employed by utilitycompany)
8742 Real estateagency-outside employees & collectors
8742 Reporters
8742 Salespersons,collectors or messengers-outside
8742 Scouts-sports teams
8742 U.S.O. activitiesperformed by Travelers' Aid Society
8745 News agent ordistributor of magazines or other periodicals-not retaildealer-& salespersons, drivers
8748 Automobile leasingcompany-long-term-sales employees
8748 Automobilesalespersons
8748 Mobile homesales-salespersons
8748 Salesperson-autodealership
8748 Salesperson-automobile leasing company, long-term
8748 Salesperson-boats atinland locations
8748 Salesperson-mobilehomes
8748 Salesperson-outboardengines
8748 Truck leasingcompany-long-term-sales employees
8755 Labor union-allemployees
8800 Addressing or mailingcompanies & clerical
8800 Letter service shop &clerical
8800 Mailing or addressingco. & clerical
8803 Accountant, auditoror factory cost or office systematizer-traveling
8803 Auditors, accountantor factory cost office systematizer-traveling
8803 Computer systemdesigners or programmers-traveling
8803 Factory cost oroffice systematizer, accountant or auditor-traveling
8803 Office or factorycost systematizer, accountant or auditor-traveling
8803 Premiumauditors-insurance
8805 Clerical officeemployees NOC-Program II-State Act
8810 Air trafficcontroller
8810 Airline orhelicopter-ticket sellers away from airport
8810 Artists (refer toscope for restrictions)
8810 Auditors-performingaudits at their employer's locations
8810 Banks and trustcompanies
8810 Boy and girl scoutcouncils-clerical office employees
8810 Bus terminal ticketsellers
8810 Check cashing store
8810 Clerical officeemployees NOC
8810 Computer systemdesigners or programmers-exclusively office
8810 Curator-library ormuseum
8810 Drafting employees
8810 Newspaperpublishers-employees such as designers, proofreaders and editors
8810 Photographiccomposition-computerized
8810 Public library ormuseum-professional employees & clerical
8810 Racetrackoperation-horse or dog: pari-mutuel clerks cashiers & clericalemployees
8810 Store: check cashing
8810 Telephone answeringservice
8814 Clerical officeemployees NOC-Program I
8815 Clerical officeemployees NOC-Program II-USL Act
8820 Attorney-allemployees & clerical, messengers, drivers
8820 Court reporters-
8820 Law office-allemployees & clerical, messengers, drivers
8824 Retirement livingcenters: health care employees
8825 Retirement livingcenters: food service employees
8826 Retirement living centers: all other employees, salespersons
8829 Convalescent ornursing home-all employees
8829 Home for aged-allemployees
8829 Hospice serviceorganization
8829 Nursing orconvalescent home-all employees
8829 Rest home-allemployees
8831 Artificial insemination of cattle-professional employees-
8831 Hospital-veterinary-
8831 Kennels-boarding and breeding-dog and cat
8831 Pet grooming
8831 Poultry or egg producer-
8831 Poultry sexers-
8831 Trappers-animal-
8832 Dentist & clerical
8832 Ophthalmologist-nodispensing of optical goods
8832 Physical therapists
8832 Physician & clerical
8832 Speech therapists
8832 Weight controlservices
8833 Asylum-professionalemployees
8833 Banks and trustcompanies: dispensary employees
8833 Hospital-professionalemployees
8833 Sanitarium-professional employees
8835 Baby-sitting service
8835 Homemaker service
8835 Nursing-home health,public & traveling-all employees
8835 Public health nursingassociation-all employees
8836 Rescue mission-& clerical, salespersons
8837 Charitable or welfareorganization-all operations  (AK, CO, GA, MA, OR, WI)
8861 Charitable or welfareorganization-professional employees & clerical
8868 Adjustment trainingcenters-professional employees and clerical
8868 Adult day carecenters-professional employees & clerical
8868 College-professionalemployees & clerical
8868 Correspondenceschools
8868 Religiousorganization: professional employees & clerical
8868 Schools-professionalemployees & clerical
8868 Schools-trade orvocational-professional employees & clerical
8869 Boy and girl scoutcouncils-day camp operations-all other employees
8869 Child daycamp-professional employees and clerical, salespersons
8869 Child day carecenter-professional employees and clerical, salespersons
8871 Clerical telecommuteremployees
8901 Cable TV-clericaloffice employees
8901 Telephone ortelegraph co.: office, exchange, or clerical
8901 Television cablecompany-clerical employees
9012 Apartment propertymanagers and leasing agents
9012 Building operation byowner, lessee, or real estate management firm: professionalemployees, property managers and leasing agents & clerical, salespersons
9012 Condominiums orcooperatives: professional employees, property managers andleasing agents & clerical, salespersons
9014 Boilercleaning-residential
9014 Buildings-operationby contractors
9014 Chimneycleaning-residence-by vacuum suction
9014 Exterminator
9014 Floor waxing orpolishing
9014 Fumigation
9014 Furnacecleaning-suction method
9014 Insect control-notcrops, no use of poisonous gases
9014 Janitorial service bycontractor
9014 Refrigerationcars-pre-cooling
9014 Restrooms-cleaning
9014 Swimming poolmaintenance-residential
9014 Termite control
9014 Washing or cleaningof interior walls
9014 Waterproofing:exterior walls or subterranean structures by apparatus insertedin ground
9015 Banks and trustcompanies: employees engaged in care custody ormaintenance-including night watch guards, elevator operators and starters
9015 Bathhouse-beach
9015 Boy and girl scoutcouncils-camp operations-overnight sleeping
9015 Buildings-operationby owner, lessee or real estate management firm: all otheremployees
9015 Camp operation NOC
9015 Condominiums orcooperatives-all employees engaged in care, custody andmaintenance of premises or facilities
9015 Flea market operation
9015 Mobile home windstormtie-down installation-by trailer camp operator
9015 Recreational vehicle campgrounds or parks-all operations
9015 Scuba divinginstruction in swimming pools
9015 Self-storagewarehousing facilities
9015 Swap meet operation
9015 Swimming instructors-independent-
9015 Swimmingpool-public-operation
9015 Trailer parks or trailer camps-all operations
9015 Warehouse spacerental-no storing of goods for others
9016 Amusement park or exhibition operation
9016 Archery range
9016 Arena or stadium forboxing or wrestling matches
9016 Arena or stadium forice shows, boat shows, automobile shows
9016 Arena or stadium forrodeos, circuses, dolphin exhibitions
9016 Auditoriums orexhibition hall
9016 Baseball battingrange
9016 Boat rental in parks(not boat liveries)
9016 Caves orcaverns-operation for exhibition purposes-including guides,ticket sellers, gate attendants, maintenance employees
9016 Concessions-boats in parks-
9016 Dog show-operation by owner or lessee
9016 Drag strip operation
9016 Golf driving range
9016 Horse show-operation by owner or lessee-
9016 Ice skating rink
9016 Miniature golf course
9016 Racetrack operation-horse or dog: all other employees-including starters & assistants-
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: archery ranges
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: ball or dart throwing at targets-
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: baseball batting ranges-
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: golf courses-miniature-
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: golf driving ranges-
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: kiddie rides at permanent locations
9016 Recreational oramusement devices: pony rides-care & maintenance of track
9016 Recreational or amusement devices: shooting galleries (air rifles)
9016 Recreational oramusement devices: tennis courts-public-operation
9016 Rodeos-facilitiesmaintenance
9016 Speedways-automobileraces
9016 Tracks-stock car,jalopy races
9019 Bridge or vehicular tunnel operation
9019 Tunnel (vehicular) or bridge operations
9033 Housing authority &clerical, salespersons, drivers
9040 Asylum-all other thanprofessional employees
9040 Hospital-all otherthan professional employees
9040 Sanitarium-all otherthan professional employees
9044 Casino gamblinghotel: all employees & clerical, salespersons, drivers
9052 Boarding houses
9052 Caddy-employee ofhotel
9052 Commissary work-allemployees other than restaurant workers
9052 Dude ranches-notcattle ranches-& salespersons, drivers
9052 Garages operated byhotels, etc.
9052 Golf courses operatedby hotels, etc.
9052 Hotel & salespersons,drivers-all other than restaurant employees
9052 Motel, motor court orcabin-salespersons -all other than restaurant employees
9052 Rooming houses orboarding houses-& salespersons, drivers
9058 Commissarywork-restaurant employees
9058 Hotel-restaurantemployees
9058 Motel, motor court orcabin-restaurant employees
9059 Boy and girl scoutcouncils-day camp operations-professional employees
9059 Child day camp-allother employees and drivers
9059 Child day carecenter-all other employees and drivers
9060 Caddy-employee ofcountry club
9060 Caddy-independentcontractor
9060 Club-country, golf,fishing or yacht-& clerical
9060 Clubs-ski & clerical
9060 Clubs-tennis,racquetball or handball-outdoor
9060 Golf course, notminiature-public or private
9061 Club-NOC
9061 Club-NOC & clerical
9061 Clubs-beach &clerical
9061 Club-social,fraternal or business-operating on own premises or facilities &clerical
9061 Clubs-social &clerical
9061 Fraternal society &clerical
9061 Fraternity orsorority houses-& clerical
9061 Sorority orfraternity houses
9062 Casino gambling: allemployees & clerical, salespersons, drivers
9063 Clubs-health &clerical
9063 Clubs-tennis,racquetball or handball-indoor
9063 Exercise or healthinstitute & clerical
9063 Gymnasiums and healthclubs
9063 Health or exerciseinstitute & clerical
9063 Health spa or steambath NOC & clerical
9063 Massage salons
9063 Tanning parlor inconjunction with health club
9063 U.S.O.activities-permanent location
9063 YMCA, YWCA, YMHA orYWHA, institution-all employees & clerical
9077 Club-officers &enlisted personnel-military base
9077 Postexchange-military base
9077 Recreational centeror library-military base
9077 United States armed service risk-all employees
9082 Restaurant NOC
9083 Restaurant: fast food
9084 Bar, discotheque,lounge, nightclub or tavern
9084 Restaurant-bar,discotheque, lounge, nightclub or tavern
9088 Missile bases
9088 Missiles firing andbunker
9088 Rocket or missile testing or launching
9089 Billiard hall
9089 Pool halls
9093 Bowling lane
9093 Roller skating rink
9101 Adjustment trainingcenters-all other employees
9101 Adult day carecenters-all other employees
9101 College-all employeesother than professional or clerical
9101 Dormitoryoperation-by school
9101 Public library ormuseum-all other than professional employees or clerical
9101 Religiousorganization: all other employees
9101 Schools-all otherthan professional & clerical employees
9101 Schools-trade orvocational-all other than professional or clerical employees
9102 Lawn maintenance
9102 Park NOC-all employees
9102 Ski trailoperation-cross-country
9102 Zoo
9110 Charitable or welfare organization-all other employees
9154 Dinner theater-allother employees-theater payroll greater than 50%
9154 Theater NOC-allemployees other than players, entertainers or musicians
9154 Theater-drive-in-allemployees
9156 Dinnertheater-players, entertainers-theater payroll greater than 50%
9156 Theater NOC-players,entertainers or musicians
9178 Athletic team orpark: non-contact sports-players, coaches, managers or umpires
9178 Baseball team
9178 Basketball team
9178 Soccer team
9179 Athletic team orpark: contact sports-players, coaches, managers or umpires
9179 Football team
9179 Hockey team
9179 Roller derbies
9180 Alligator exhibition-
9180 Amusement device operation NOC-not traveling
9180 Clubs-shooting
9180 Dolphin training, feeding and care
9180 Fireworks exhibition
9180 Hunting guides-club-
9180 Merry-go-round operation-not traveling
9180 Mountain climbing instructors and guides
9180 Pony rides-
9180 Race car drivers.Separately rate race car team as Code 8380
9180 Recreational oramusement devices: pony rides--excluding trackmaintenance
9180 Scenic railroad at amusement park-
9180 Serpentarium-
9180 Shooting gallery-
9180 Ski instructors-
9180 Skiing operations-tows, instructors, patrols, cable chair sky rides-
9180 Train operation-miniature at amusement park-
9180 Water skiing exhibitions-
9180 Water slides-
9180 Wave pools-
9181 Athletic team orpark: players, coaches, managers, or umpires (MO)
9182 Arena or stadium forteam sports events
9182 Athletic team or park: all employees other than players, coaches, managersor umpires
9186 Amusement device operator, carnival or circus-traveling-all employees
9186 Animal show-traveling
9186 Automobile stunt show
9186 Carnival, circus or amusement device operator-traveling-all employees
9186 Circus, carnival or amusement device operator-traveling-all employees
9186 Rodeos-traveling
9220 Cemetery operation
9220 Cemetery removal-opening graves, removing and reinterring remains,
9220 Pet cemetery
9402 Beach cleaning-
9402 Cesspool cleaning-specialist contractors-
9402 Highwayoperations-toll roads-snow removal performed by employeesspecifically hired for this purpose
9402 Portabletoilets-rental, installation, service
9402 Septic tank cleaning
9402 Sewer cleaning
9402 Snow removal-clearing snow from streets or roads-
9402 Street cleaning
9402 Sweeping-parking lots& streets
9402 Tunnel-spray cleaningof interior
9402 Water well cleaning-cistern type-
9403 Ashes, garbage or refuse collection
9403 Chemical wastedisposal
9403 Collection ofcontainerized garbage, ashes or refuse
9403 Containerized refusecollection
9403 Garbage andrefuse-collecting in containers
9403 Garbage, ashes or refuse collection
9403 Liquid wastecollection
9403 Manure dealers-
9403 Refuse, ashes or garbage collection
9410 County employees NOC
9410 Highwayoperations-toll roads-toll collectors
9410 Inspectors-municipal,township, county or state employee
9410 Municipal, township,county or state employee NOC
9410 State employees NOC
9410 Township employeesNOC
9429 Partners or soleproprietors who contract with the state or other governmentalagency to perform work.
9450 Vocationalrehabilitation trainees
9501 Advertising display service
9501 Furniture-strippingand/or refinishing
9501 Non-sticksurfaces-coating of cooking utensils
9501 Painting-electrostatic-shop operations exclusively
9501 Painting-shop only
9501 Sign -plastic orvinyl-computer-generated letters or graphics-includesmanufacture or preparation of surfaces
9501 Sign -wood-painting, spraying, sandblasting with our without power machinery
9501 Sign -wood-painting, spraying, sandblasting, with or without power machinery
9501 Sign painting or lettering-inside of buildings-
9505 Automobile, bus,truck or trailer body : painting
9505 Painting-automobileor carriage bodies
9505 Pinstriping-automobiles
9505 Undercoating-automobiles
9516 Audio, radio,television or video equipment installation service or repair
9516 Automobile: radio,audio, television or video equipment installation, service orrepair
9516 Radio, video, audio or television set installation, service or repair
9516 Satellite dishinstallation-small
9516 Television, video, audio or radio set installation, service or repair
9516 Video, audio, radio and television equipment installation service or repair
9519 Airconditioners-portable-installation, service orrepair-residential
9519 Air conditioning-portable-installation or service-
9519 Electricblankets-service or repair
9519 Freezers-installation, service or repair-residential
9519 Household appliances-electrical-installation, service or repair-
9519 Refrigeration-domestic-cleaning, oiling or adjusting-
9519 Refrigeration-domestic-installation, service or repair-
9519 Refrigerator, stove,washing machine, service or repair-including incidental shopoperations; drivers
9519 Sewingmachines-installation, service or repair-residential
9519 Stove-installation,service or repair-residential
9519 Vacuum cleanerservice and repair
9519 Washingmachines-installation, service or repair-residential
9521 Advertising displayinstallation service
9521 Clothesdryers-wood-installation in apartments
9521 Display-window-installation
9521 Draperies orcurtains-installation in public buildings from floor orstepladders
9521 House furnishingsinstallation NOC & upholstering
9521 Interiordecorators-house furnishings installation
9521 Salespersons-trimmingwindows
9521 Upholstering-awayfrom shop
9521 Venetian blindinstallation
9521 Windowshades-installation
9521 Window shutterinstallation-wooden
9521 Window trimming
9522 Automobile, bus,truck or trailer body : upholstering
9522 Burial garment and casket or coffin upholstering
9522 Casket or coffin upholstering and burial garment
9522 Coffin or casket upholstering and burial garment
9522 Furnitureupholstering
9522 Upholstering
9534 Bell installation-tower-
9534 Crane rental withoperator
9534 Mobile crane andhoisting service contractors-NOC-all operations including yardemployees and drivers
9534 Rigging
9534 Scaffolding:outrigger scaffold installation, repair or removal
9534 Scaffolding:suspended or swinging scaffold installation, repair or removal
9554 Advertising co. away from shop
9554 Bill posting
9554 Sign installation,repair, maintenance, removal or replacement: advertisingcompany-away from shop and drivers
9554 Sign painting or lettering-outside of buildings or structures-
9586 Barbershop, beautyparlor or hair styling salon
9586 Beauty parlor
9586 Beauty school withcommercial shops
9586 Hair styling salon
9586 Manicurists
9586 Tanning parlor as aseparate enterprise
9586 Tattooing parlors
9586 Wig styling
9600 Taxidermist
9620 Crematory operation
9620 Funeral director
9620 Undertaker
9984 Atomic energy projectwork
9985 Atomic energyradiation exposure NOC

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